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Aug 21, 2023, 43 tweets



All collected Information to date & any new revelations will be added to this thread.

May God cast a light on the darkness & Reveal the Truth on this deadly Tragedy. . 🙏


Anytime the WEF is involved, it’s suspicious.

Burning shit down is a great way to start over

#15MinuteCities weforum.org/agenda/2018/08…

Is it a coincidence the democratic Governor Josh Green was just at the UN talking about Hawaii leading the way in renewable energy?

May God help us. These people are destroying the world & nobody seems to notice.


Alexander & Baldwin Inc. is the second largest land owner of Maui.. the first is the state.

Top institutional investors of Alexander & Baldwin are BlackRock, Vanguard, & StateStreet

Did BlackRock, Vanguard, or StateStreet have anything to do with the Hawaii fires?

Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Buffett and Nvidia cofounder Jensen Huang are among the billionaires with land or homes on Hawaii's second-largest island.

Lots of money will be dedicated towards “rebuilding”.

Did they just reset an area for a 15 minute City?

Jeff Bezos alone established a $100 million Maui Fund to “help Maui get back on its feet now and over the coming years.”

The top institutional investors of Amazon are BlackRock & Vanguard…

So very nice of them… :/


🔗 Alexander & Baldwin Shareholders

Is China Somehow Involved in the Hawaii Fires?

The affected areas in Hawaii are Lahaina, Kihei, and Maui. Even Maunakea had fires.

On January 28, this Year, there were mysterious Green Lasers spotted over the skies of Maunakea.

The troubling thing is that there were lots of conflicting reports from NASA the first week where they insisted it was one of their satellites, but it was ultimately declared (“Likely”) a Chinese satellite, Daqi-1/AEMS, a week later.

This happened almost immediately before multiple Chinese spy balloons were spotted all Over America.

The Fact NASA had no clue and said “it’s likely” a Chinese satellite is very alarming.

They still to this day only speculate what China was doing.

Where there is smoke, there’s fire.


👀 Is it a coincidence the Maui Police Chief, John Pelletier, was Coincidentally the Incident Commander in the 2017 Las Vegas Country Music Mass Shooting?

This Video


They let Maui burn Arguing about Water

It’s being reported that a State Official named M. Kaleo Manuel refused to initially release water in the Maui Fires because of a “water standoff” between the DLNR Water Division & West Maui Land Co….

DLNR delayed releasing water requested by West Maui Land Co. to help prevent the spread of fire, per report.

Manuel wanted West Maui Land to get permission from a taro, or kalo, farm located downstream from the company’s property. Manuel eventually released water, but not until after the damage was done.

🔗 Article

M. Kaleo Manuel, the Hawaii water official explains his "philosophy" about water Equity

In a livestream debate hosted by the University of Hawaii last year, Manuel described water as a sacred god.
“Let water connect us and not divide us,” said Manuel, referring to water distribution on the island. “We can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity…How do we coexist with the resources we have?”

A former Obama Foundation leader — part of a program by the former

President’s non-profit to help participants with coaching and “practical skill building for social change” — Manuel said he considered water an important tool for social justice.


Lahaina residents had to flee into the ocean because they turned off the water… the firefighters had no water to fight with either.


Lahaina resident posted on August 8 by a Lahaina resident showing a downed power line and flames.

Maui residents are now suing power companies that "inexcusably kept their power lines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions."


Lahaina resident posted on August 8 by a Lahaina resident showing a downed power line and flames.

Maui residents are now suing power companies that "inexcusably kept their power lines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions."


Land Grab Begins!

Hawaii Gov Josh Green: “I’m already Thinking of Ways for the State to Aquire that Land..”

“I’m already Thinking of Ways for the State to Aquire that Land.. so that we can put it into workforce housing…


I can’t post the video… but How does a dog char like that?
Watch here 👇👇👇

Were Direct Energy Weapons Used?

Before dismissing, consider the video you see. If that’s what we civilians have, what do they have? In Space?


Why is there already a book about the Maui Fires on Amazon?

Published on August 10, 2023.

It’s only 44 pages, and I guess it could be put together that quick… most likely garbage AI, but still kinda suspect to me… so it made the list.


Maui Police Shut Down Placards Program Hours After Launching by “Powers that Be”

Maui Police:

“There are powers that be… I’m not sure the reasoning. Alls I know is that the order has come down to shut down the distribution of these placards”


Maui Fires - Local Lahaina Resident “Fish” says the Police held up Fleeing Residents with a Car Blockade on Front Street

This Clip

Land Grab Begins!

Hawaii Gov Josh Green: “I’m already Thinking of Ways for the State to Aquire that Land..”

“I’m already Thinking of Ways for the State to Aquire that Land.. so that we can put it into workforce housing…


Heartbroken 💔 Maui resident met with the mayor & says there was no mention of anything being done the people… alls it was was real estate developers.


Land Grab Efforts Confirmed by Residents Immediately after Fires!

Instead of being able to greave & process what just happened, Land vultures (real estate developers) are seeking to come in & take advantage of vulnerable people and calling to buy land.


Reports from Resident’s that their Insurance Companies are now Telling them they have Zoning Infractions & Won’t Be Paying Out


Governor Josh Green says More than 1,000 are still Unaccounted, Many of them are Children that we’re Home from School & they May Never be Found


Upset Maui resident asks “Where is the President?” why is Joe Biden putting Maui on the back burner….


Sorry Hawaii…. Joe was too busy at the beach… and didn’t want to comment on the rising death toll.. instead he laughs.

It was just too much for him.


But don’t worry Maui…

Joe Biden announced "one-time payments of $700 per household to folks who've been displaced"

That’s all you’re worth Maui… $700 damn dollars.

Meanwhile, he just asked Congress to send billions more to Ukraine.


The Maui Police Chief is Arresting People for “Trespassing” into Lahaina & Encourages People to Dox the Trespasser

He says the reason they can’t have you snooping around is because peoples ashes will get on you…

Or is it that you don’t want people to see evidence of something you don’t want them to?


Wow! Are you kidding me??

Hawaii Plans to Hold a “Ukraine Independence Day Event” on Aug 26, at Magic island to Raise Money & Awareness for Ukraine, just after the Maui Fires!

If this doesn’t wake people the hell up, I don’t know what will!

These people are SICK!!!!


🚨Maui Resident says the Police FORCED all Fleeing Resident’s onto Front Street, Towards the Police Blockade— It was a Trap!

“They just said, go north, go north go north. And then when we got on Front Street, the embers were coming over the buildings & landing on our vehicles.

We’re all in a line trying to get to the end of Front Street to go North, like they told us to— Not knowing the Police blocked off the end of Front Street so NOBODY COULD MOVE!”

This resident ended up driving on sidewalks & through yards to get on the highway, which was safe.

This confirms another story, where a local of Lahaina named “Fish” said he noticed a police blockade on Front Street

This Video

Terrifying footage of Maui Residents Caught in the Flames Heading Towards Front Street to get to Civic Center


This is Suspect AF!

🚨The Police Chief John Pelletier Got a 23% + Pay Raise After 6 Weeks of Employment — Weeks later, his Personal Secretary, Terry Jones Dies


Pelletier was offered the Police Chief job over four other Qualified Lahaina residents & was paid $158,851 salary.

John started his job on December 15, 2021.

After six weeks on the job, he told the The Maui County Police Commission that he wanted a raise.

The Police Commission not only granted his request of $195,000, but above & beyond by approving a $205,800 salary. Which equates to a $46,949 pay raise! 🤯

Reportedly, there was a great deal of tension in the department around this time & the Lahaina community because they felt like John Pelletier didn’t deserve it or prove himself to earn such a pay raise.

Why was the MPD so adamant on hiring an outsider over four qualified internal Lahaina residents?

Why did the Police Commission unanimously grant his request & pay him more?


Weeks after all of this, Terry Jones, longtime MPD employee (32 years), died….. chasing a “purse snatcher” and crashed into a tree.

Terry was the first person John Pelletier hired and she worked as his private secretary.

Is this somehow connected?

For clarity, they said they caught the “purse snatcher” Robert Nelson.

They said he confessed to his involvement with breaking into Terry Jones' vehicle and the theft of her purse. “He provided investigators with verifiable details of the break-in”

How very convenient, if you ask me…

How often does a criminal of petty offenses confess to things that would land him in prison much longer?

Is it just me, or does death seem to follow John Pelletier?

John Pelletier Raise Video

Terry Jones Video

🔗 Terry Jones Sauce

🚨 The Maui Police Commission revised Hawaii Statute H.B. NO. 1534 to allow the Maui Police Chief, John Pelletier to get a raise…

Let that sink in….

This statute allowed both a Chief of Police and a Deputy Chief of Police to BYPASS the Hawaii residency requirement of one year.

In a nutshell, they revised this statute just to give John Pelletier a Raise…

The same John Pelletier who was the Incident Commander of the 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting.

Here is a letter on the Maui gov website showing the concern over giving the new Police Chief a significant raise…


Correction to this post…. Looks like I copied & pasted the below post by accident… the correct wordsge is:

Maui’s Emergency Operations Chief Herman Andaya RESIGNS, effective Immediately

This came just after Andaya said he “has no Regrets Not Using Sirens” to warn people of the wildfires.

He needs to be investigated. Resigning is not good enough.



CORRECTION TO THIS POST- I mistakenly copied another post in this thread- The correct Wordage is:

Governor Josh Green attributes a lot of you the Human Error in the Maui Fires on Climate change.


Lahaina Residents Were Successful at Beating back the Fires, that is until they Cut the Water Off for the residents & the Fire Department


This is just too weird not to add…

2016 Simpsons Episode from the Matt Groening series, “Monty Burns’ Fleeing Circus,”

They’re talking about going to Hawaii before a deadly beam of light incinerates the entire town.

All the way down to the dog… that part creeped me out.


Maui Fires- The Smoking Gun? 💨

JUST Last month, Hawaii Governor Josh Green signed an emergency housing proclamation on July 17, to “address the housing shortage”….

The order suspended a half dozen state and county laws, primarily focusing on land use, historic preservation and environmental review.

The measure invokes a state law giving the governor broad power to suspend laws that impede a response to emergencies such as natural disasters or the coronavirus pandemic. 

Lahaina was a historic town & we just had an “Emergency Natural Disaster” occur…

It sounds like Governor Josh Green just set the stage for investors & real estate firms to come in & build with little to no regulations or restrictions.


Mauis Police Chief, John Pelletier, is so talented that’s he’s also the Coroner…


“So that we can make sure that we’re finding who our loved ones are… and that we make the notifications with dignity & honor.

So, as we proceed to do that, it’s very complex, but I gotta tell you I met with them, I’m also the Coroner for those who don’t know that….”


Symbolism will be their downfall.

“The President, within 6 Hours, 6 Hours, met our needs, with the Federal movement…. 6 Hours”

🧢 Great catch by @CitizenLenz rumble.com/v3a91c4-maui-g…

Joe Biden falls asleep while listening to the survivors in Maui.

What a pathetic piece of shit.

How the hell can Hawaii be a blue state after all this?

🧢 Great catch by @TONYxTWO rumble.com/v3afdhm-joe-bi…

New Maui helicopter footage shows that was a selective “fire”…


Maui Fires - The US & FEMA have a Blue Roof Program - Tarps are UV & Fire Retardant

This whole blue thing is just so weird…

🧢 @WallStreetApes rumble.com/v3cc6js-maui-f…

Maui - Reports over the last 10 days is that Lahaina Survivors are Becoming sick from the Government-Provided Drinking Water

“We're experiencing, now, an issue with the water supply. We're being told that the water is not safe to drink. It's also not safe after boiling, which is quite frightening. And we don't know how long these restrictions are going to be lasting on the public.”

“We're also hearing that the potable water being brought in by government officials is making people ill for whatever reason. They're experiencing fevers, chills, and other ailments from drinking this potable water that's been left. So I really urge you guys to please be careful on ingesting this water, and where you're getting it from


🚨The CCP Had Satelites over Maui (LAHAINA, OLINDA, & KULA), at the EXACT same Time of the Fires!!!!

Steve Favis, Computer Science & Advanced Robotcs Expert has compiled evidence that the technology exists to start these fires from a satelite in earth orbit

He also confirmed the CCP had satellite capable of the attack above Maui at the time of the fires!

The laser would have needed to be in a wave length range to minimize scatter through the atmosphere, so a near infrared range laser would be needed to allow a more precise transmission…. AND….. WOULD HAVE HAD MINIMAL REACTION TO THE COLOR BLUE!

Was ignited at approximately at 10:47pm On August 7th.—— At this Exact Time, CCP Satellite Norad53299 was directly over this location!!!!
Holy shit!

Was ignited at approximately at 6:37am on August 8th.—— At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD55836 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT!

Was ignited at approximately at 11:30am on August 8th.—— At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT!

Steve Favis also has calculated the CCP has up to 70 Gigawatt lasers in earth orbit right now.

This is not the first time CCP Satellites have been over Hawaii recently.

Back in January of this year, mysterious green lasers were spotted over the skies of Maunakea.

The troubling thing is that there were lots of conflicting reports from NASA the first week where they insisted it was one of their satellites, but it was ultimately declared (“Likely”) a Chinese satellite, Daqi-1/AEMS, a week later.

This happened almost immediately before multiple Chinese spy balloons were spotted all Over America.

The Fact NASA had no clue and said “it’s likely” a Chinese satellite is very alarming.

They still to this day only speculate what China was doing.



@WallStreetApes Wendy Bell just knocked it out the park covering all of the “coincidences” with the Maui fires.

It’s refreshing to hear the truth for once.

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