Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Aug 25, 2023, 6 tweets

21AUG23 0

"The frost always comes from the Kremlin."




21AUG23 1

Community Note

"Although it doesn't change meaning of meme, the bottom photo is from 2014 Odessa Clashes."


21AUG23 2

The Odessa File

"During the unrest in Odessa on May 2, 2014, 400 hundred or so people sought protection behind its thick walls. 42 found death instead."


21AUG23 3

"Sometimes from Kiev. Sometimes from Washington."



21AUG23 4

Engish Translation of the previous article.

A witness who survived the massacre at the House of Trade Unions in Odessa has spoken. Scary details about the event. And something more about President Zelensky


21AUG23 5

"Thanks for the heads up and apologies for the incorrect use of the graphic. We wanted to illustrate the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and we chose the wrong photo."



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