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American Propagandist 🇺🇸 @arenamagdotcom @LoveLettersUSA

Aug 28, 2023, 8 tweets


Last summer, a trans-owned, trans-staffed coffee shop in Philadelphia shut its doors after its (trans) employees conducted a "radical accountability process" against the owners.

This is the bizarre story of Mina's World, which I wrote about on my blog.

They accused the owners of a lot of charges

Including wage theft.

But they separately complained when the owners tried to *stop* wage theft -- when tips were literally stolen from the jar by teenagers.

Other complaints were vague:

"Anti-blackness in a multitude of forms & occasions"

"Tokenization as a way to appear safe by association"

"Ableism in the form of inaccessibility, etc etc"

They tried to SEIZE the coffee shop and turn it into a "worker's cooperative" that they would own as reparations for poor treatment.

Just one person stood in the way: one of the owner's Korean mother, who said "hell no!"

The crazed works started a GoFundMe to try to buy the shop for $200,000 but raised just $10,000

They didn't return the funds and kept them for themselves

"Support the Workers of Mina's World"

As far as I can tell, the owners were well-meaning people.

But they embraced communism and were then surprised when their workers turned the communist tactics against them.

Mina's World lasted just 2 years.

Once the pandemic hit, it never opened its doors. Employees reportedly screamed at customers not wearing masks OUTSIDE.

Gee, it's no wonder it wasn't doing well financially

You can read the whole story on my blog.

"The State of Things in Coffee Shop America"

And please subscribe!…

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