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Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

Sep 4, 2023, 10 tweets


Was Hugh Hefner the original Epstein, and was the mansion a CIA honeypot?

Why were there tunnels under the Playboy mansion?

The tunnels went to the homes of Warren Beatty, James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and Jack Nicholson.

Here, you can read documents of an investigation done by the FBI.

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Paige Young was Playmate of the month in 1968. It was later revealed she lived her life as a Beta Slave Kitten. She was found dead in a pentagram on the American flag, with a wall of photos of Hefner, and writing that said Hugh Hefner is Satan on the wall…

It is well known that the white rabbit symbolizes young innocence. Taken from Alice in Wonderland, which was written by Lewis Carrol, who was an admitted pedophile. The story was based on his attraction to a young girl named Alice Liddell.

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Holly Madison projected the Beta Kitten personality. She would wear monarch butterflies, leopard print, and Alice in Wonderland type dresses.

Hughs girlfriends had the Beta Kitten look. She once even stated she was a clone

Hugh kept a picture of her as a child next to his bed

CIA operative Laurel Aston said Hefner was part of MK-ULTRA. In the Mansion, Hefner drugged and raped women, he pimped them to Hollywood stars, and he blackmailed men he set up with young girls, having videotaped them.

Here is a video about Hefner recording celebrities

Why did Hugh Hefner fly babies to supposedly be relocated to adopting families aboard his private jet?

Just sayin...

Hefner was good friends with Pedophile Alfred Kinsey. They worked together to push the pseudoscience of sexual liberation to justify their perverted behavior.

Kinsey molested thousands of children in the name of science and was praised by the science community for his research.

The first beta kitten, Marilyn Monroe, was on the original Playboy cover against her wishes. Hefner bought the plot to be buried next to her, even though she hated him.

Rumors are that she was killed for wanting freedom from her Monarch Programming.…

What if Hugh Hefner was working for the CIA to blackmail powerful elites?

It would look something like this...

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