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Journalist. The british armed forces history got me into following everything military. Author of # Juventus FC fan

Sep 6, 2023, 8 tweets

Letter by James Cartlidge MP to Defence Committee adds more info to ongoing programs:
- prototype series Challenger 3s assembled over the autumn and go to trials early 2024. Shephard reports 8 P-series
- contracts for new EPSOM modular armour and TROPHY APS both planned in-year

For GMLRS, "increased numbers" confirmed but not detailed. GMLRS Extended Range approval next summer (tests for ER ongoing, so there a slip from this summer). UK demonstrators for Area Effects and Sensors Dispenser on track. He says France MIGHT join Land Precision Strike project

Regarding Air Defence, more Sky Sabre launchers coming with decision "in summer" (DSEI announcement?), also Assessment Phase launch for:
- Integrated AD C2
- Medium & Short range AD sensors
- Mounted SHORAD (Stormer replacement)
- specialist "Counter-Small (C-RAM, loitering, UAS)

He adds that very high readiness light forces will have lethal C-UAS capability by October, and non lethal soon afterwards. Pretty sure he is referring to Project 6 and the SMASH computerised rifle sights and incoming electronic "guns" for the non lethal part.

In another letter, David Williams reports that Sea Venom IOC by year end. Future Cruise and Anti-Ship Weapon work with France continues; passage from current Assessment phase to "Manufacture" is currently expected in 2025. Presumably it's Demonstration first & Manufacture.

Back to Air Defence, note UK has already procured 10 Giraffe 1X radars (plus one for use on the Royal Navy's experimental ship Patrick Blackett), so the Short range AD sensors is arguably already well on the move. Assume "Medium" will complement or even replace Giraffe AMB.

For the "specialist Counter-Small", assume MSI will be pushing its PALADIN, which the MOD has already field tested, in combination with the already mentioned Giraffe 1X radar. A capability currently completely missing from the roster, but critically important for the future.

If Assessment Phase for Mounted SHORAD has indeed been given the green light, the chances of hearing something (i won't say a order yet, but something substantial) at DSEI about BOXER Skyranger go up. The letter is dated 3 august even though it has only been published now.

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