SanghiDentico🇮🇳,🚩🚩🕉️ Profile picture
Dentist | Speak my mind | Big Fan of @narendramodi Ji & BJP | Proud BJP ian l Proud Hindu | Prouder Hindustani🚩🚩l Jai Shri Ram

Sep 7, 2023, 8 tweets

Let me make a thread on how anti hindu DMK Is. Watch these videos and decide for yourself
Let us start with Karunanidhi.
Here is Karunanidhi questioning the very existence of Ram, asking what is the proof he studied in a Engineering college.There is a statement where he equated Hindus to thief

Here is Stalin making fun of Hindu weddings

The Daughter Kanimozhi talking about Venkateshwara swamy asking why bhagwans hundi needs security when he is there

The son Udhayastalin whose video became Viral

ARaja equating Sanatana Dharma to HIV and Leprosy

Senior DMK Minister TR Baalu boasts about demolition of 100 year old temple of goddess Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvathi

Senthil Kumar MP DMK says in North Shiva parvathi family stops with Ganesha only in south we have Muruga did any family planning happen there

DMK men making fun of Bhagwan Ram "They say the origin of the lines found on squirrels back is on account of lord rama touching them. Similarly, he would've touched Sita Mata also right?
Why no similar lines on her body too?"

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