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"Religion makes morally normal people say and do disgusting and wicked things." -Christopher Hitchens

Sep 8, 2023, 19 tweets

Analysis of the subreddit/echo-chamber "Canada_sub"

First let's look at the subscriber count which is roughly 21,204 which places the subreddit at #13073 for size.

It averages 442 comments per day, which is rank #172.

0.000869 comments per subscriber, rank #58.

While some of the traffic is legitimate, it seems like the best time to post is when it's 11am(4am EST) and 8pm(1pm EST) in Russia.

Most common phrases found on this subreddit.

The most common 3-word, 4-word, and 5-word phrases are all different iterations of "8 years of Trudeau"

Take a look at the top submissions this year, notice a pattern?

Four users account for 92% of all submissions on the subreddit.

Within 5 minutes of one of these accounts posting, there is dozens of comments repeating the same thing.

The same accounts post consistently during early morning hours. Between 3:30am-4:00am EST.

Another chart that shows the post distribution by hour.

So how does this compare to other subreddits based in Canada?

"r/Canada" "r/Ontario" "r/OnGuardForThee" seen here.

Notice a difference?

Here they are, lined up. You can very clearly see "Canada_sub" does not follow the normal posting trends of any Canadian subreddit.

None of this is coincidence, it's foreign influence.

It's not just Reddit, either.

Postmedia (owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American hedge fund) owns these papers.

So I have one question for you guys - do you use Reddit? If so, have you had this subreddit pushed to your feed, rather relentlessly?

This is not organic.

This is not organic.

Postmedia is Canadian Sinclair.

John Oliver explains why Sinclair is so dangerous.

Postmedia is the Canadian Sinclair.

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