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Sep 10, 2023, 6 tweets

Elon Musk is under fire, again, this time from neocons and corporate journalists insisting that his refusal to turn on Starlink satellites to enable an escalation of Ukraine's military actions amounts to a form of treason.

From where does this obligation come? Do we care that this attack may have caused a major escalation of this war?

It’s never been easier to be a “Russian propagandist” or “Kremlin agent” now (just don’t expect a paycheck) — all it takes is voicing any view oppositional to the prevailing media view on our involvement in Ukraine.

.@GGreenwald “The reason why Elon Musk is being targeted by the ADL as an anti-Semite and now being depicted as a traitor to his country, the United States… is not because necessarily they're angry about what he did in Ukraine, although they are, but more so because it's punishment for his refusal to censor on demand.”

The media continues its relentless attacks on Elon Musk because he poses an existential threat to what they hold most dear –– their ability to silence any opposition.

Musk’s only “crime” was not following Ukraine’s orders –– a country he doesn’t even count among his three citizenships.

.@GGreenwald “The pretense here is that you have no right to resist the Ukrainian military’s demands. If you’re a citizen of the West you are duty-bound to give them everything they demand, and if you don’t, that’s considered sabotage."

Using the reasoning applied to Elon Musk, the vast majority of Americans are also “traitors,” since most people didn’t take President Zelensky’s invitation to go to Ukraine and join the fight against Russia.

.@GGreenwald “What is actually going on here is an attempt to legally ban any dissent, take away Elon Musk's right to be a military contractor, haul him before a congressional committee, require Twitter to ban what they're calling pro-Russia propaganda, which is really nothing other than people questioning or opposing their war policy of their government –– which is absolutely the right of every American citizen or the citizen of any country to do.”

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