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Sep 11, 2023, 42 tweets




I am releasing everything I have collected over the years into this one thread over the next 12 hours.

I was going to attempt to organize it to tell a story, but there’s simply too much.. I’m just dumping it all.

Let’s begin..

911 - Confirmed Treason

We Discovered the Bush & Obama Administration Covertly Engineered the House Arrest of Osama Bin Laden - Hillary Clinton & Leon Panetta’s fingerprints are all over this - “Bin Laden is being Protected by Us & We don’t Really want to Get Him”

January 6, 2011
Two phone calls took place back to back between Allan Parrot, Congressman Curt Weldon & Brian S. Ettinger.

Brian Ettinger is Joe Biden’s best friend and an Attorney.


“You can become the next president if you help Allan bring Bin Laden back.”

“Leon Panetta on two occasions said do not pursue Bin Laden in Iran.”

“I’m putting together a bipartisan coalition to go to Iran to discuss Bin Laden’s transfer to the United States.”

Reply: “you’ll never have that happen because our government will never let that happen.”

“This is a ticking time bomb…. He’s [Obama] got to designate (individual’s) to negotiate with Iran, and if he (Obama) doesn’t, we will go public about this…. We have determined without a doubt, I have the proof, that Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints are all over this.”

“Biden sends Brian S. Ettinger on secret missions, the most recent of which was to Pakistan, WITHOUT the State Department involved.”

PART 2 Listen 👂 💥💥💥💥💥💥

“Recently, between November 2004 up until now, my team members have met Osama Bin Laden SIX times inside of Iran…. We have repeatedly notified the US Government & first we were ignored, next we were obstructed, then we were threatened……”
(9/11 occurred on September 11, 2001…)

“Here’s the problem sir… we have identified with documentation, three mechanisms used by the Bush administration to covertly engineer Bin Laden’s house arrest inside Iran…… we have identified two mechanisms used by this administration (Obama) to continue the legacy….. and Hillary Clinton’s fingerprints are all over this…. Leon Panetta’s fingerprints are all over this…”

Brian S. Ettinger (then VP Joe Biden’s attorney) reply 👇

“He (Bin Laden) is being protected by us. We don’t really want to get him. We want him under the radar screen…..”

Understand what you just heard.



Donald Trumps Book “The America We Deserve” named Osama Bin Laden by name & predicted a Terror Attack 19 Months Before 911 Occurred

“I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the [1993] trade center look like kids playing with Firecrackers.

One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one and US jet fighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan…

He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and a new crisis.”

Follow the money…

The day before 911, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 Trillion dollars.

Lucky for whomever stole this money 911 dominated the news cycle and this story was buried.


Did we ever find where Trillions of our dollars went?

Prior to these events, Rumsfeld, VP Dick Cheney, & many other Bush administration Operatives were part of a neoconservative think tank called Project for a New American Century. This report argued for a global expansion of American military and economic supremacy, and for the US to transform itself into a "one-world superpower". The report warned that "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".

Would 9/11 qualify as “ Catastrophic & catalyzing event”?

Quite ironic….

This Documentary describes the 12 chilling Parrales between Pearl Harbor & 911.

The Mockinbird Media made a relentless effort to create a direct association to Iraq & Osama Bin Laden. Also comparing the attack to Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor:
The Mockinbird Media made a relentless effort to create a direct association to Hitler & Japan.

Top level officials & the intelligence community knew there would be an attack and withheld crucial evidence.

Pearl Harbor:
FDR & top officials knew Pearl Harbor was being painted for a bombing run. They knew the exact date. The intelligence community withheld crucial evidence.

FBI agent discovered information that could have prevented the attack. The information she uncovered never made it past her supervisors. Rumsfeld could not be found delaying the chain of command.

Pearl Harbor:
Hours before the attack, Chief of Staff George Marsh was nowhere to be found, delaying the process of comms in the chain of command.

VP Dick Cheney gave direct orders not to interfere with the plane heading towards Washington.
Only 4 jets remained on alert to defend the entire sector of the country likely to suffer an attack.

Pearl Harbor:
FDR gave direct orders not to interfere with the Japanese attack.

3,000 died and justified a war the US had been preparing for months in advance. A military plan to attack Afghanistan was placed on George Bush’s desk on September 10.

Pearl Harbor:
3,000 died and justified a war the US had been preparing for months in advance.

A commission report was produced to rubberstamp the Governments version of events.

Pearl Harbor:
A commission report was produced to rubberstamp the Governments version of events.

If you’re saying no way our government would stage 911 to justify war with Afghanistan…. Have you ever heard of Operation Northwoods?

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962.

The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.

The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly repainted as US Air Force plane, a fabricated 'shoot down' of a US Air Force fighter aircraft off the coast of Cuba, the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.

Earlier this year there was a bombshell unclassified filing that At least two 9/11 hijackers on American Airlines Flight 77 had been recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation.

Max Blumenthal: "You can just point a finger at Langley, the CIA, and Alec Station and say you are responsible for letting 9/11 happen."

The CIA proposed False Flag attacks on US Soil to justify war with Cuba.

Is it too crazy to think the CIA didn’t propose a False Flag attack on US Soil to justify war with Afghanistan?

There are still classified documents to this day. What else does it say?

This video

🔗 Article

This is detrimentally important to understand the next few posts.

Operation Mockingbird & the CIA have a history… and that history never stopped.

It’s called Tell-A-Vision for a reason.

Six corporations control 90+% of all of what you see, hear, & read.

Whoever controls the News controls the mind.

Here is a Young Tucker Carlson, at the beginning of his career Denying the Government was somehow behind 911.


Here is a much older & experienced Tucker Carlson calling 911 Truthers Parasites & totally dismisses Tower 7

I am open to about any crackpot theory, just on that subject, come on, that’s too much.

“I hate that 911 crap. I wish they’d kick those people out”

This is Tucker Carlson today… saying if you talk about Tower 7 on Television, you’ll lose your job.

Did Tuckers views change?
Don’t know…
But Tuckers employment changed recently and all of the sudden he’s now considered a parasite by his own definition.

“You can go on television & say the earth is flat & they’ll just laugh at you. It’s not a threat to anyone….. If I were to say, what actually happened to Building 7? If you’re ere to say something like that on television, they’d flip out & your loose your job over that.”

“Do building actually collapse like… NO… maybe they do, but why can’t I ask questions about it? Anything you’re not allowed to ask questions about, is something you should be asking more questions about.”

Tower 7

Most Americans still don’t know that 3 buildings collapsed that day.

Why? Mockingbird Media.

What purpose? Don’t know… but let’s start with who the tenants of this building

Tower 7 Tenants:
• Clandestine CIA station
• Department of Defense
• Secret Service
• American Express
• Securities and Exchange Commission
• NYC Office of Emergency Management
• Salomon Brothers, an American multinational investment bank
• Quite a few Banks & financial groups.
• Floors 14-17 were “Unknown”

Lots of powerful entities in that building, with lots of banks & financial groups— could any of this have anything to do with the “missing” $2.3 trillion dollars?

Check for yourself.

Larry Silverstein signed a 99 year lease on the World Trade Center in June 2001, two months before the attacks.

Here is Larry Silverstein inadvertently admitting that Tower 7 didn’t collapse from the fire alone. He admitted that the fire department made that decision”to pull it”.

Well, that’s odd… that’s not what they official story says… but here is Larry saying that they made the decision to collapse the building.

Tower 7 collapsed at 5:20pm ET..

Mysteriously, at 5PM ET, BBC reported that Tower 7 had Collapsed due to “being weakened”… only one problem… Building 7 was STILL THERE, right behind her.

Why did BBC say it collapsed when it was clearly in the background?

How did they know WT7 was “weakened” so soon?

The most logical Explanation:
The above post, Larry Silverstein did say they made the decision to bring the building down… on that day, it was likely released to the press to run the narrative prior to its actual collapse, but the media jumped the gun.

BBC later apologized for their “mistake” but never explained how they knew.

This is ground footage captured right as Tower 7 collapses.

Multiple booms can be heard & flashes of light can be seen prior to collapsing.

Add this to the above evidence and it all suggests that WT7 was in fact a controlled demolition, just as Larry Silverstein (the owner of the Trade Center Complex) described.

To compound the evidence that Tower 7 was taken down via explosives… meet Barry Jennings

Barry was working in Tower 7 that day and describes multiple explosions occurring in Tower 7 while the Twin Towers were still standing.

When the fire department finally got to him, they walked through a decimated lobby, as if an explosion went off.

Sadly… A few years later, after speaking out, he died.

Here is NY1's Gigi Stone Woods on WTC 7 where she describes hearing an "Incredibly Loud Explosion"


Here is a clip of emergency Personel saying that there were bombs in the building and to clear out.

How much more evidence do we need to understand that explosives were involved in 911?


The Tell-A-Vision is a powerful tool to set narratives, to tell you what they want you to think happened.

Regarding 911– too many people that were there when it happened describes multiple explosions from within.

Multiple witnesses even made the claim that there was no second plane and it was a bomb that went off.

Here are multiple witness accounts of hearing multiple explosions & not even seeing a plane.

The fire department was sitting in front of the Trade Center complex all morning.

“I didn’t even know that was a plane, I learned that from the news media.”

Tell-A-Vision - Can you believe what you see?

Someone Captured the Explosion of the Second Tower

“It was not a plane!”


Endless Eyewitness testimonies from those who were there on on the ground hearing of Secondary Explosions in the Twin Towers.

Media reports of car bombs. Emergency personnel reported that bombs were going off.

Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom
Boom Boom

#911 Firefighters Describe Secondary Explosions From INSIDE the Buildings AFTER the Planes crashed into the buildings.


In non-military applications shaped charges are used in explosive demolition of buildings and structures, in particular for cutting through metal piles, columns and beams and for boring holes.

Four Pictures

1. Top Left - A weaker outer structure remained intact with minor holes blown out

2. Top Right - The Core Support Columns are completely blown out

3. Bottom Left- One of the Towers support beams with a evidence that a shaped Charge took place.

4. Bottom Right- A shaped charge placed diagonally on a support beam.


In a peer reviewed study performed in 2009, dust samples were collected and analyzed.

Active THERMITE Material was discovered from dust from 9/11 that was collected from FOUR separate sites.

Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper.

These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later.

The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

The red material contains grains approxi- mately 100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present.

The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms oc- curring at approximately 430 ̊C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite.

Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.

General Wesley Clark "We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years." (2007)

• Days after 9/11, one of the Generals called him in and said we’ve made the decision to go to war with Iraq. I said why? He said…. I don’t know. He said I guess they don’t know what else to do.

• Weeks later, I asked are we still going to war with Iraq? “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years.” (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran)

Wars are manufactured.

Three times Senator Rand Paul said the the US armed & funded Osama Bin Laden in the 1980’s.

Was Osama Bin Laden working with the CIA re 911?


At the Pentagon— Raw Footage shows no plane was found whatsoever.




• June 2001 - Pandemic simulation that simulated a biological attack by Saddam Hussein and sparked a lot of media interest.

• CIA people like Judith Miller from NYT, did talk shows, triggered two senate hearings by Joe Bidens committee. 💥

• That hearing was going on during 9/11
and as soon 9/11 happened, the neocons which were working on all this stuff with the CIA, pulled out the Patriot Act. THEY HAD IT READY!

• One thing the Patriot Act did, it did not get rid of the Geneva convention or the bioweapons treaty, but it said no federal official can be prosecuted for violating those two statutes. 🤯

• The patriot act was being held up by two senators… then coincidentally there was an anthrax attack on the US Capital and was blamed on Saddam Hussein wow 🤯

• Within two days, the Patriot Act was passed.

• GUESS WHO got attacked with that Anthrax attack?
—THE TWO SENATORS who were blocking the Patriot Act, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy,…. HOLY COW!!!!!! 🤯

• The FBI did a year long investigation & determined the anthrax was unique and it was an Ames anthrax and it could only come from one place, Fort Detrick, a CIA lab. HOLY COW!!!!! 🤯

• After the Patriot Act was established, the Pentagon was nervous about the legality because it was the death penalty to violate the Geneva convention. Instead, they funneled money through DTRA and DARPA. From that point, Tony Fauci became the biolabs tsar.

In 2014, three of Fauci’s bugs escaped from federal labs.

“300 scientists wrote a petition to President Obama, saying you have to shut down Tony Fauci. He’s gonna cause a global pandemic.

Obama declared a moratorium and told Fauci to shut down the 18 studies he was doing. He didn’t do it. He instead moved that science offshore to the Wuhan lab and to Ukraine. When he did that, he was not the only one who did it.

Tony Fauci spent about $29 million dollars on gain of function science in Wuhan. The CIA spent over $100 million. The military spent about $64 million. The CIA funneled the money mostly through USAID.”


Donald Trump Questioned 9/11 & Suggests Bombs Exploded Simultaneously


As President President Donald Trump said…

“Nobody has Gotten to the Bottom of 9/11– July 28, 2022



While these things don’t mean much to us, it means everything to [Them]

What is the significance of the date 9/11?

David Rockefeller Magazine Cover, April 3, 1967 night shed some light.
This Video

Other things to consider when trying to wrap your head around symbology…

1. Simpsons seems to have “predicted” 911

2. Back to the Future weird 9/11 connections

The Illuminati Card game was Originally released in 1982 appears to have depicted the Twin Towers & the Pentagon attacks.

Everyone remembers the video of Hillary Clinton being put into the Mystery Van at the 9/11 Ceremony in 2016…. But have you heard what the Hotel Supervisor had to say?

A hotel Supervisor who was assigned to that hotel at this time came forward.

- Hillary was severely ill
- They did not want anyone to see her & shut the hotel down so she could get in & out without being seen. They had the entire entrance closed off for her.
- When Hillary was to arrive, no one could see her, no hotel staff, not even all USSS agents.
- A walk through was performed the week before the event & they practiced how she would transverse... USSS stated that she could not walk a block as again because of her declining health.
- When she was in her room, no one was allowed in the hallways so no one could see her.
- The van was specifically made for her because of her “declining health”.
- There was medical equipment & medical bags set up for her in the van & on site.
- Touches on the mystery man who was following her around consoling her, who evidently carried around an epipen.

Hillary Supervisor Video

Coincidentally, Hillary Clinton was reported dead following her “feinting” at the 2016 9/11 Ceremony.

As another 911 anniversary has passed and our hearts ache for true justice, let us remember that God is almighty.

For God said, “I will not Forget 9/11”

On this day, September 11, 2023, God sent New York a Promise.
A double rainbow.

More will be added to this thread over time…. But that’s enough for today.

I hope you enjoyed this thread so far.
God bless and stay in Faith. 🙏rumble.com/v1jor5f-kim-cl…

No Plane, just bombs.


No Plane, just bombs.


How about the creepy George Bush video the day of the attack? Listen to the words the kids are speaking. Plane Hit Steel.


911 - George Bush - “He told us the EXPLOSIVES Went Off High Enough”


911 - Bill Cooper - Months Prior to 911 “whatever is going to happen, They’re Going to Blame Osama Bin Laden— Don’t you Believe It!”


Jeffrey Epstein had this painting in his home.

George Bush with a Paper Airplane


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