Mike Benz Profile picture
Executive Director, @FFO_Freedom. Former State Dept Cyber. Author of the unpublishable monstrosity, Weapons Of Mass Deletion.

Sep 11, 2023, 8 tweets

Anne Applebaum is on the board of directors for the most notorious CIA cut-out in all of US history.

So, you know, when reading her froth-mouthed hit piece today on Elon Musk, maybe take that into consideration.

Anne Applebaum's credibility should be nuked to zero after she got caught red-handed serving as a secret "Inner Cluster Cell" member of a busted British intelligence operation set up for covert censorship & political warfare operations known as the Integrity Initiative.

These secret "cluster cells" were set up by British intelligence to have "cluster members" spanning all key positions of political influence in a region

The clusters specifically sought as recruits: journalists, politicians, military, academic & business leaders in each country

Want to know what a real "organized online influence campaign" looks like? Welp, Anne Applebaum can tell you. She helped create them for her MI6-backed, UK Foreign Office funded political dark arts op

Here's her UK cluster secretly activating a Spain cluster to carry out a hit

Cluster members, like Anne Applebaum, were told not to tell anyone about their cell unless they could be trusted.

Since it was an intelligence cut-out, they were coy: "If asked about money for funding activities of a cluster, always be firmly vague and helpfully uninformative."

The Integrity Initiative, run out of Anne Applebaum's UK Inner Cluster Cell w/ a supporting cast from British intelligence, was utterly fixated on killing the Nordstream pipeline.

In 2018 they plotted: "Start a campaign to prevent construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline"

When the Nordstream pipeline mysteriously blew up & serendipitously accomplished Anne Applebaum's Integrity Initiative high-priority goal of killing the construction, Radek Sikorski (Polish defense minister) famously thanked the US government for blowing it up:

Radek Sikorski is Anne Applebaum's husband.

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