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Sep 14, 2023, 11 tweets

UPDATE: I've investigated further, and I've discovered serious problems with the alien mummies.

I believe the best available evidence points to an elaborate hoax.

Here's why I've become suspicious. 1/N 🧵

First, closer review of the scientific testimony presented to Peru's Congress reveals serious contradictions.

One of the major points of conflict is whether embryos were detected inside the alien eggs.

I haven't seen this contradiction discussed before.

Prof. Galetskiy was able to identify embryo-like structures inside the eggs.

He expressly started that brain and lung development was visible, equivalent to a human 8 weeks post-conception.

Yet Dr. Lopez stated the opposite! He claimed that *no* embryos were present inside the eggs.

"The reason is that, like reptiles, they begin their process of embryogenesis only at the moment of laying."

According to Dr. Lopez, embryos *contradict* the reptilian hypothesis.

Second, Dr. Benítez admits "the lower limbs could only have anterior and posterior movement, only linear movement."

He presents that as proof the specimens aren't human.

But it's more like evidence they could barely move! Imagine if your legs only moved forwards and back. 🤦‍♂️

Third, there is a hole in Dr. Lopez's argument that the size of the brain excludes use of a terrestrial mammal's skull.

His analysis is based on the *ratio* of brain size to cranial volume.

Unfortunately, that ratio can be *altered* if portions of the skull are removed.

There is reason to believe that's what happened in this case.

A 2021 paper used CT scans to compare the skull of one of the "aliens" to that of a llama.

It concluded that the alien skull was the rear section of a llama skull, modified to create a humanoid face.

It appears that the natural process of decomposition for llama skulls results in the outlines of a humanoid "face" appearing on the rear.

In the case of the "aliens," that natural process was accentuated, likely by using chemicals to further shape the skull.

The authors of the paper point out another critical flaw in the anatomy of the "alien."

Specifically, the first cervical vertebrae enters the bottom of the skull.

Even the slightest impact on the top of the head should kill the "alien," since the brain would be smashed.

The allegation that a modified animal skull was used to fabricate the alien is corroborated by witness testimony.

The director of a documentary on the mummies alleges that he uncovered a ring of fakers – who threatened his life.

(h/t @DavidHAltman)

Does the fact that this appears to be a hoax mean that scientific investigation should stop? No!

As the authors of the paper correctly point out, modern science needs to understand the methods used to fabricate the specimens.

Only then can we reliably recognize future fakes.

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