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I help you make money & get more work done with AI tools โœ‰๏ธ

Sep 14, 2023, 17 tweets

Stop paying $20 for ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT anywhere, anytime, with this AI tool.

Here's the secret: How to always have ChatGPT at your fingertips on any platform:

Say Hello to Flot AI! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Use ChatGPT anywhere you type or select without copy-pasting.


Here's how it works:๐Ÿ‘‡

1. Nail your social media game:

โ†’ Build a strong social presence with engaging posts.

2. Reply to emails like a pro:

โ†’ Turn email replies into a breeze.

3. Perfect your spelling & grammar:

โ†’ Make typos and errors a thing of the past.

4. Speak you language, get your answers:

โ†’ Get localized answers in over 200 languagesโ€”ask questions right in your mother tongue.

5. Optimize clarity with paraphrase:

โ†’ Enable yourself to give a unique twist and change the phrasing of any content.

6. Master book summaries:

โ†’ Get the essence of any book in minutes, not hours. Perfect for quick insights or deciding if the full read is worth your time.

7. Become an idea machine:

โ†’ Go from zero to brainstorm hero. Fuel your creativity effortlessly.

8. Craft perfect outlines:

โ†’ Turn scattered thoughts into structured plans. Perfect for essays, projects, or complex tasks.

9. Essential takeaways made easy:

โ†’ Extract the essence of articles for quick insights. Perfect for fast learning and quick reference.

10. Upgrade your essays instantly:

โ†’ Simply enter your title, and watch as your essay writes itself. Perfect for saving time and mental energy.

11. Simplify Language, get to the Point:

โ†’ Turn intricate wording into easy-to-understand phrases. Ideal for clear communication.

12. Master the message and change the tone:

โ†’ Unlock powerful techniques to shift your tone and grab attention. Perfect for impactful communication.

13. Spot action items and get moving:

โ†’ Easily discover action items within any text. Ideal for efficient task management.

There are no limitationsโ€”use it anywhere, anytime.

Say goodbye to copy-pasting. Transform your ChatGPT experience today.

Try Flot AI yourself!๐Ÿ‘‡

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