Stephen A. Ridley Profile picture I write. I take photos. I used to break software. Built stuff that broke stuff at Xipiter. former VC-backed founder. Professor at NYU. etc.

Sep 16, 2023, 8 tweets

Did you know there is a longstanding rumor that Theodore Adorno worked with the Beetles (via the Tavistock Institute) to promote their music and make it more addictive? Puts a whole new meaning to "Beetle Mania" huh?…

Also did you know that Owsley Stanley [1] the "LSD Guru" of the Grateful Dead (and the sound engineer that created their sound) has a background in chemistry [2] and Psychological Warfare."

He was strongly influenced by Hermetic literature and occult studies even as he was beginning his LSD experimentation. (Infact, the "Grateful Dead" were originally called "The Warlocks".) He got his first LSD from a batch created by Swiss doctor Albert Hofman in 1938 in Austria.

Also noteworthy, the Nazis originally "invented" LSD's "other" uses, by experimenting on prisoners:

See Also: the "Sidney Gottlieb" portion of this other thread.

Before they were called psychedelics or entheogens, they were actually called SCHIZOPHREnogens. This alone says A LOT about why they may have been chosen as a tool by the likes of Richard Helms and Sidney Gottlieb.…

Endnotes: Old Vyzygoth Interview of David McGowan who would later become author of "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon"
part 1 :
part 2 :……

Funny how you can't get Dave McGowan's website where he published the short essays that would later become his books.

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