James Lawrence Profile picture

Sep 16, 2023, 13 tweets

1)I believe that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky were the same person, perhaps he did not realize it due to multiple personality disorder, perhaps he was a demonically possessed sorcerer who inflicted massive self deception, giving himself multiple personalities

2) and ensuring that those personalities were ignorant of each other, the sorcerer would, with the help of the demons, have inflicted this multiple personality disorder on himself, and ensured that none of the personalities understood their sameness with the others. I believe

3) this because they look like the same person, and their relatives look like the same persons. The top left photo is of Hitler, the top right of Stalin, bottom left is pictriev's comparison of the top photos, rating them as 75% similar, bottom right is pictriev's comparison of

4) two other photos, one of Hitler, one of Stalin. The top right photo is the photo of Hitler (who is on the left) compared in the last pictriev screenshot. The top right photo is the photo of Stalin compared in the same. Next is a pictriev comparison of a phot of Hitler and a

5) photo of Stalin. It rated them as 45% similar in appearance. Next is the photo of Hitler in the comparison, then the photo of Stalin.

6) Next is a pictriev comparison of Hitler and Stalin, rating them as 66% similar. Next are the photos of Hitler and of Stalin used in that comparison. Next is a pictriev comparison of Stalin and Trotsky, rating them as 59% similar in appearance.

7) Top left is the picture of Stalin from the last pictriev comparison, top right is the picture of Trotsky from the same. Next is pictriev rating Stalin and Trotsky as 49% similar. Next is the image of Trotsky from that comparison.

8) Next is the image of Stalin from that comparison. Next is pictriev's comparison of Hitler and Trotsky, rating them as 59% similar in appearance. The picture of Hitler is one that I have already shown in this thread. Next is the picture of Trotsky.

9) Next is pictriev's rating of the wife of Trotsky and the wife of Hitler as 52% similar. Next is the photo of Trotsky's wife, used in the comparison, next is the phot of Hitler's wife, used in the comparison. They have the same shapes and sizes of skull, nose, eyes and neck.

10) Next is pictriev's rating of Hitler's and Stalin's dads as 35% similar. Next is the photo of Hitler's dad from the comparison. Next is the photo of Stalin's dad from the comparison. Next is pictriev's rating of Hitler's niece and of Stalin's wife as 45% similar in appearance.

11) Next is the photo of Hitler's niece Geli Raubal used in the comparison. Next is the photo of Stalin's wife Nadezda Alliluyeva used in the comparison Next is pictriev's rating of Hitler's brother in law, and Geli Raubal's dad, Leo Raubal, as 78% similar in appearance to Stalin

12) Next is a photo of Herr Raubal, with his wife, Hitler's sister. Next is pictriev's rating Raubal and Trotsky as 42% similar in appearance. Next is pictriev's rating Hitler and Raubal as 75% similar in appearance. Next is the photo of Hitler used in the comparison.

13) @threadreaderapp unroll

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