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Sep 17, 2023, 8 tweets


Inside a 2022 @DHSgov-@ODNIgov-led Program on Disinformation, there are alarming disclosures:

*The U.S. Government ROUTINELY engages with ex-Intel Community operatives currently working in the private sector; Meta is specifically cited

*This report marks the first disclosure that "mission centers at the CIA" also have developed relationships with Social Media firms

2. In February 2023, I flagged concerns about the ODNI's Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC).

FMIC is a functional clone of the now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board & was launched in September 2022 under Director Jeffrey Wichman, who is a 30-year CIA veteran.

3. The joint DHS-ODNI report emphasizes Public-Private Partnerships to combat Foreign Malign Influence and outlines recommended roles for FMIC:

*Directly engage with social media companies to address disinformation.

*Serve as a liaison between the Intelligence Community (IC) and Social Media platforms on disinformation issues.

4. At the report's conclusion, the 'Analytic Deliverable Dissemination Plan' is highlighted:

ODNI & CISA jointly distribute content labeled as 'disinformation' or 'foreign malign influence' to these platforms:

Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), Twitter/X, TikTok, Snapchat, & Discord

5. I'll address common arguments about FMIC:
First - "They only focus on foreign disinfo!"


Anything contradicting the U.S. establishment narrative is flagged as 'Russian disinformation.'

The ODNI's Assessment on Foreign Influence in the 2020 Election cites examples like:

a. Criticizing President Biden and his son
b. Spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories.
c. Claims of social media censorship
d. And let's not forget the 51 'intelligence experts' who said the Hunter Biden laptop had "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

6. I was told the relationship between FMIC & CISA is 'hypothetical malfeasance'


A deposition in the Missouri v. Biden case revealed that Shelby Pierson, ODNI's election threat executive (which now falls under FMIC), had weekly meetings with CISA leading up to the 2020 election.

She also directly advised social media platforms on removing 'inauthentic content according to their terms of service.' Don't take my word for it; she admits this herself.

7. After the DHS announcement of establishing a Disinformation Governance Board, there was widespread public outrage that ultimately led to its prompt closure.

There should be similar alarm over FMIC

Here is your leader of the Thought Police

full DHS-ODNI report-

ODNI report on "Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections"……

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