Paul Durham 🇺🇦⚫️⚪️ Profile picture
Military and other #history, with some (quite a lot) Newcastle Utd and other stuff thrown in. #FWW / #WW1, #SWW / #WW2, #NUFC, #Beatles, #TheJam, #walking, #gwg

Sep 18, 2023, 8 tweets

On 6th June 1944, CSM Stanley Hollis led his men of 6th Bn, Green Howards, down this sunken lane, just to the south of the #Normandy village of Cristot.

A short 🧵


#SWW #WW2 #GreenHowards #OpNob3

The lane continued across a quiet road, running out of the village. Just a 100 yds further along it was positioned a German machine gun post (possibly MG42), manned by two soldiers from 12th SS. Hollis and his men were immediately fired upon.


#SWW #WW2 #OpNob3

The m-g was positioned where the corrugated iron can be seen at the end of the lane in this photo.


#SWW #WW2 #GreenHowards #OpNob3 #Normandy

Hollis - who had already probably secured his VC, following two other incredible feats of bravery that day - reached into his bag and pulled out a grenade, which he threw towards the m-g post.


#SWW #WW2 #GreenHowards #OpNob3 #Normandy

Alas, in the stress of the situation, he had forgotten to remove the pin, first.

Of course, the two 12th SS machine gunners didn’t know that, though.


#SWW #WW2 #GreenHowards #OpNob3 #Normandy

As they ducked for cover, Hollis charged their position and killed them both with his Sten gun.

If his VC wasn’t already secured, it was now.


#SWW #WW2 #GreenHowards #OpNob3 #Normandy

*11th June. He was recommended for VC on 6th. This might’ve cemented it.

*5 days previously.

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