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Sep 19, 2023, 22 tweets

I will be hated for revealing these secret !

People make millions from airdrops by farming them with hundreds of accounts. What's their superpower?

Dive into the thread before it gets deleted 🧵👇

I interviewed a pro who revealed his secret to getting x100 more airdrops.

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Antidetect browser is a web-browsing application that prioritizes privacy by utilizing data spoofing techniques.

Its distinctive digital fingerprint and browser header are commonly employed to manage multiple accounts or bolster online privacy.

It is also used to get airdrops on hundreds of wallets without being detected.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse or promote Sybil attacks. The following information is provided solely for educational purposes, in order to gain an understanding of their occurrence.

He shared:

• Visit
• Sign up using email or phone number.
• Activate your account.

Head to AdsPower's official download page

• Download and install the app.
• Set up basic settings & get familiar with the UI.

Creating a Profile:

• Click the “New profile” button.
• Choose an account platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter). If not listed, select "Other" & input the platform URL.

• Input account details: username, password, & cookies (if available).
• Set up your desired proxy type & other proxy details.

Don't have proxies? Get on: or

Setting Up Browser Fingerprints:

(I leave it at the default, it's ready to go)

• Pick the OS, browser version, & user agent
• Adjust advanced settings: Timezone, WebRTC, location, language, etc.

Once your profile is set, find it in the "list of profiles". To launch, click "open" & the browser will start with your profile.

You can create up to 2 profiles for free or take advantage of up to 40% off and create as many as you like.

To create many profiles at once, use "quick import". After that, export to excel table and add proxies to the corresponding column. 1 profile = 1 proxy.

Just follow the screenshots step-by-step:

Simply copy and paste your list of proxies into the column

Update profile info
Select the edited table & tap OK

Check you browser fingerprints on

With some proxies you may see the message "you are spoofing your location". Try SOCKS5 proxy or/and enable WebRTC replacement.

You can add the extensions you want to all profiles at once by pasting the link to the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

MetaMask, for example:…

Synchronizer and RPA deserve a separate thread, but these features will not leave you indifferent.

Do you want to see the second part ? Let me know in the comments.

Bigbrains to follow:
@AllurePixel @MaransCrypto @xmayeth @0xAluri @AlPepecino @AlphaFrog13 @DeFiMidas @splinter0n @MrDotGreen @ardizor @DeFiTracer @_sanovnik_ @Foxi_xyz @0xHvdes @BobtheBuildooor @BringMeCoins @0xDarya_ @juliweb3 @gudi2gudi @Mr_Lumus @DeRonin_ @zucl1ck @DNekt0

@leni0ne @BarryBluee @terra_gatsuki @lou_markets @0xAndrewMoh @the_smart_ape @arndxt_xo @2lambro @Hercules_Defi @CryptoNikyous @GEEKYdefi @Haylesdefi @lou_markets @FareaNFts @0xDefiLeo @xvnadu @Aieee0x @ne1ron_ @0xkenii @KingWilliamNFT @MoneyCrptBunny @cryppinfluence

I hope my thread was helpful. If so, please do not hesitate to :

1. Follow me @alphabatcher for more alpha content

2. Like & Retweet the first tweet below:

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