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Sociologist | Criminologist | Human Being Being Human

Sep 22, 2023, 7 tweets

Remember how the COVID vaccines contaminated with endotoxin & plasmid DNA that Pfizer/BioNTech sold to the world were only tested on 252 people, but they said they'd compare them w/the ~20K subjects who got higher quality ones?

New FOIA proves they never did that!
But I did.🧵

The adverse event rate among the subjects who got the new 'Process 2' doses was 2.5x higher than the AE rate of all other treatment subjects in the same age group & 2x higher than other treatment subjects at the same sites -- controlling for sex, obesity and comorbidities.

Only 4 of the process 2 subjects were tested for neutralizing antibody titers (aka immunogenicity) -- all of them aged 22 and younger.

Only 3 out of the 4 showed presence of antibody titers 1 month after second jab.

None were tested for neutralizing titers before vaccination.

What was the excuse Pfizer/BioNTech gave in Sep. 2022 for shirking their responsibility to do the comparison study by Feb 2021 as stated in their protocol?

No need due to the "extensive usage of vaccines manufactured via 'Process 2'" as of Sept 2022.

Make it make sense!

For background and more information on the Pfizer/BioNTech bait-and-switch scandal, see this thread. 👇…

The FOIA was obtained by Perseus Group member @NickHunt5, who also writes for the Daily Sceptic. Here is the cover page of the MHRA response to his request (FOI# 23/510):

An easy way to remember the key difference between process 1 and 2:

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