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Transcending Borders in a Multipolar World

Sep 24, 2023, 7 tweets

Listen to this reporter commenting on Zelensky's visit to Canada...

Then listen again and something will feel a little off.

That's because she says the veteran receiving the standing ovation fought against the Russians in the Second World War.

Yes, because the 98 year old "veteran" is Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for the 14th division of the Waffen SS.

The Plot Thickens...

Turns out he is also one of the contributors to this book.

Canada going full Banderastan 2.0

Oh dear....

Images of the "veteran" of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) who received a standing ovation from the Canadian Parliament, the Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian Forces Chief of the Defence Staff and the President of Ukraine.

He shared these photographs from his time with the division during training in Germany.

In the first photo, he stands in the middle, in the second, he is the second from the left, and in the third, he can be seen without a helmet near a machine gun.

Canada is no stranger to harboring Nazi war criminals that they conveniently called "displaced persons". Why did Canada go out of their way to take 2,000 Ukrainian Nazis that were being screened by Britain?

"Canada has always been at war with Russia."

Also note that Stepan Bandera's grandson, Steve Bandera is a prominent Canadian journalist and producer who have covered this conflict at length. While he admires and speaks of behalf of his grandfather he cannot tell "what his grandfather thought about Jews".

Ope! Quick Canada!! Say sorry!

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