Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Sep 25, 2023, 5 tweets

24SEP23 0

"On September 22, in the House of Commons, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I regret my decision to do so, and accept full responsibility for my actions."




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My remarks in the Chamber on September 22, 2023

Speaker of the House of Commons, Canada
Hon. Anthony Rota, M.P.

"no one, including fellow parliamentarians and the Ukraine delegation, was aware of my intention or of my remarks before"…

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"It’s nice that you recognized him in the gallery. Who invited him? Who cleared him?

It wasn’t you."



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"Not much of a statement. Better call your PR recovery machine for this one cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride."



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"We need an explanation on how this happened."


"My guess.
freeland asked him to do it."



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