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Against genocide. Journalist @ https://t.co/cWqTruAQ4q I tweet with documents. If I tweet at you, you're probably in trouble. Free Palestine!

Sep 25, 2023, 5 tweets

Canada's 'Nazi scandal' has been sitting in plain sight for decades. In 2010, the #Ukrainian Canadian Congress tried do draw a big equals sign between soldiers and others killed fighting the Nazis, and Ukrainian #Nazi collaborators who killed them. #Hunka

The 'First Division of the Ukrainian National Army' referred to above is the 14th #WaffenSS #Galizien Division. Below is their commanding officer, Friz Freitag. Fritz kept a diary, reducing his mass murder to such banalities as "114 prisoners taken, 283 Jews shot."

The Canadian state in the 1940s and 50s WANTED #Nazis, to go after #socialists in the working class. Upon arrival, that's just what the Nazis did. They attacked workers meetings across the country. On October 8th, 1950 they bombed Toronto's #Ukrainian Labour Temple .

The #RCMP dropped SS membership as a barrier to entry to Canada in 1951 - AFTER the #WaffenSS members bombed the Labour Temple. Why? Canadian state #anticommunism. The file on the case is still secret, and the suspects went on to successful careers. #Hunka is not unique.

Canada's 1948 Standing Committee on Immigration and Labour made explicit the desire of the Canadian state for #anticommunist immigrants. Senator Thomas Crerar: "the displaced persons who come to Canada are exercising a very healthy anti-communistic influence.” #Hunka

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