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"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable — but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.”

Sep 27, 2023, 13 tweets

In the early 2000s, China’s Xinjiang province suddenly began experiencing deadly waves of terrorist attacks, and hundreds of people were killed.

There's lots of evidence the US was involved in instigating these attacks as an attempt to destabilize China. 🧵


By funding extremist religious groups, particularly groups like ETIM, in China and neighboring Afghanistan whose goal was to turn Xinjiang into a separate fundamentalist Islamic state.

This degree of fundamentalist Islam has no historical precedent in China.

During these years, some of these radicalized groups left China to fight in Syria on the side of ISIS and the “moderate rebel” groups that the US funded to topple Syria’s government.

After 2015, these groups began returning to China, leading to a new wave of attacks.

China responded by infiltrating these terror networks and arresting the people involved in coordinating the attacks.

Due to the urgency and severity of the problem, China cast a wide net and also arrested people promoting religious fundamentalism and anti-China sentiment.

For everyone else, there were no mass arrests, campaigns to demonize muslims, or bombs dropped on Afghanistan.

Instead, China attacked the root of the problem through poverty alleviation, vocational training, and education.

As a result of this humanistic approach, Xinjiang no longer suffers terror attacks and the standard of living is rising fast. Cultural practices are protected and celebrated, and there are 9x more mosques in Xinjiang alone than there are in the entire US.

Since having their favorite strategy of destabilization neutralized, the US has pivoted to its second favorite tool: sanctions.

These sanctions are targeted at the industries which have brought Xinjiang prosperity, such as cotton and tomatoes.

In the midst of all this bombastic posturing by the west, many foreign diplomats have visited the region and come away singing China’s praises.

Unsurprisingly, western diplomats have universally refused to visit.

And as a sign of the turning tide, last year UN member states rejected a western initiative to force a debate on China’s treatment of the Uyghurs, infuriating western countries and their ecosystem of regime change lobbyist groups.

In truth, there is no evidence that China could provide to disprove the genocide narrative in the eyes of most westerners, who resemble creationists or flat earthers in their constant retreat to new fantastical claims requiring an endless cycle of debunking.

Put very simply: the entire Uyghur story is being flipped on its head to serve western audiences atrocity propaganda, licensing them to disregard any potential lessons from China while assuaging any latent guilt they might carry from their own legacy.…

Which is a real shame, since the many successes of communist countries provide myriad lessons westerners could learn from and adapt to our own conditions.

But the constant atrocity-propaganda blitz facilitates a mental short circuit, making learning virtually impossible.

90%+ of Uyghurs speak Uyghur, while
13% (and falling) Indigenous peoples in Canada can speak their language.

Peak western projection.

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