Tyler Black, MD Profile picture
Suicidologist, emergency psychiatrist and pharmacologist. Data geek, ok, lots of other geek. Views expressed are my own and not my employers'. he/him/his

Sep 29, 2023, 17 tweets

🚨🚨Vaccination Saves Lives🚨
UK/ONS Misinfo correction

Contrary to twitter claims, UK's ONS shows stark protection is evident, AT EVERY AGE. Misinfo ghouls lie.

Here's a thread!

First: All-age mortality
-34% mortality (-74% covid, -28% non-covid) if vaxxed!


We're going to break this down by ages (for "it's just old people" ageist awful ghouls") in a second, but let's orient:

On the left, big:
All-cause mortality (Vax: -34%)

On the top right:
COVID mortality (Vax: -74%)

On the bottom right:
Non-COVID mortality (Vax: -28%)


In the oldest age group, 90+, we see benefit of -12.5% mortality to being vaccinated. For COVID mortality, it's -60% and for non-COVID mortality it's -4%

(likely healthy vaccine effect w/early non-covid benefit, so more likely negligable non-COVID mortality benefit)


Ages 80-89: -29% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -73%
For non-COVID mortality it's -21%

("healthy vax fx" NOT likely outside of first few months, COVID death undercount is a more likely explanation as it matches covid death wave)


Ages 70-79: -43% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -80%
For non-COVID mortality it's -37%

my guess as to the "blip" of increased mortality in 2022 is breakthrough serious infection in previously protected people, perhaps delayed vax rollout?


Ages 60-69: -45% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -84%
For non-COVID mortality it's -39%

Just absolutely stark, likely combination of healthy vax fx + undercount COVID + med complications of covid infection.


Ages 50-59: -42% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -85%
For non-COVID mortality it's -36%

Absolutely obvious and incredible mortality protection by being vaccinated.


Now interestingly, below 50, we have strong evidence an inverse to "Healthy vax effect"- under 50, vaccines were first offered to the very sick.

(to illustrate: non-COVID mortality for 90+y with likely "healthy vax fx", for 40-49y with "unhealthy vax fx")

Lets press on!


Ages 40-49: -27% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -81%
For non-COVID mortality it's -19%

And this is **battling** a likely "unhealthy vaccine effect" early on. Note at this young age, NO increased non-covid mortality even by may 2023!


Ages 18-39: -13% mortality benefit to being vaccinated.

For COVID mortality, it's -75%
For non-COVID mortality it's -7% (with a HUGE headwind of early "unhealthy vax effect")

Unequivocally: even for the very young, COVID vaccination prevented death and did NOT cause death.


Quick data note - for COVID deaths at this young age group, we are dealing with very few covid deaths in 2022 onwards. However, given the overall mortality benefit, no evidence of non-covid mortality harm, the risk-benefit analysis clearly supports vaccinating this group.


So how do the misinfo ghouls lie?

1) cherrypicking extremes
We are usually dealing with 95% error, so if we chop data into 2 sexes, 9 vaccination states, & 7 age groups, we are making 126 comparisons per month. To adjust, error would have to be 99.96%!


2) ignoring the very likely "unhealthy vax effect"

The ghouls LOVE to show a subset where 18-39 year olds are more likely to die:

However, as i've demonstrated, the "Healthy vaccine effect" INVERTS at age 50, meaning that in this young group, likely a very strong effect.


Almost certainly, each subsequent booster, especially without mandates, will be taken by the people with the greatest health problems in the 18-39 age group.

After the winter campaign for 4th boosters in the UK, only 9% of 18-39 year olds received a vaccine!


3) COVID ghouls love to lie about the data. Lies, unfortunately, can be hidden behind clever use of statistics or ignoring biases.



ONS UK data clearly shows that for both NON-COVID and COVID deaths, mortality benefit of vaccination exceeds mortality risk, and vaccination saves lives.

(note: non-covid benefit mostly derived from 2021-mid 2022, but still slightly beneficial 2022-2023)



All of this data comes from the ONS:

And the ONS writes this up very nicely:

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