Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Oct 2, 2023, 5 tweets

01OCT23 0

"Biden discusses Kevin McCarthy’s “terrible bargain,” the fear of change that drives threats to democracy and the Supreme Court’s need for an ethics policy."




01OCT23 1

The Biden Interview: The President Talks About the Supreme Court, Threats to Democracy and Trump’s Vow to Exact Retribution


01OCT23 2

ProPublica Interviews President Biden



01OCT23 3

"When asked whether the current Supreme Court could be relied on to uphold the rule of law"
“I worry.”
“I know that if the other team, the MAGA Republicans, win, they don’t want to uphold the rule of law.”



01OCT23 4

"my interview with President Biden for ProPublica on the threat to American democracy"



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