Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Oct 3, 2023, 9 tweets

02OCT23 0

"Rep. Jamaal Bowman is circulating a list of talking points to fellow Democrats in a bid to stop the burgeoning GOP push __ House fire alarm during Saturday's chaotic spending votes."




02OCT23 1

Bowman camp slams 'Nazi' Republicans after fire alarm flap


02OCT23 2

"Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party"

"There are multiple insurrectionist supporters in Congress"

"Instead their focus on Rep. Bowman is an attempt to minimize January 6th."…

02OCT23 3

"I believe Congressman Bowman when he says this was an accident. Republicans __ focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party"


"minimize January 6th insurrectionists"



02OCT23 4

"He pulled the fire alarm causing the House to be evacuated for an hour. Lied that it was to open the door. His office said to call Republicans Nazis. Now he claims he didn't authorize that."



02OCT23 5

"I just became aware that in our messaging guidance, there was inappropriate use of the term Nazi without my consent. I condemn the use of the term Nazi out of its precise definition."


02OCT23 6

"First bro doesn’t know what a fire alarm is and now he’s condemning his office’s talking points."


"He knows. He was a middle school principal for over a decade."



02OCT23 7

"Man, you’re having a rough couple of days."


"I was just gonna tag you Jeremy... Another reason to count our blessings as comms professionals. 😬"



02OCT23 7

Sand in Face 😂



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