Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Oct 5, 2023, 10 tweets

04OCT23 0

"Magazine Exclusive: The FBI targets Trump followers as the 2024 election nears"




04OCT23 1

Exclusive: Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election Nears



04OCT23 2

"riends and colleagues debate as to whether January 6th was an act of terrorism," says Jenkins. "If you have the people who have been writing about this for 30-plus years struggling with the formulation, you can imagine how difficult it must be for the public."


04OCT23 3

"Glad to see @Newsweek reporting that everything I blew the whistle about is accurate. The @FBI used January 6th to manipulate and artificially boost its domestic terrorism stats."



@Newsweek @FBI 04OCT23 4

"This @Newsweek story backs everything @RealStevefriend warned us about, and should send chills down your spine. __ the FBI has “quietly created a new category” of domestic terrorists to hunt down: Donald Trump supporters"



@Newsweek @FBI @RealStevefriend 04OCT23 5

"FBI data on domestic terrorism. Note "Assessments.""



@Newsweek @FBI @RealStevefriend 04OCT23 6

"The FBI has created a new category of criminal extremist to spy on and investigate: Donald Trump supporters."



@Newsweek @FBI @RealStevefriend 04OCT23 7

"So the FBI has created a “MAGA Extremist” category ahead of the 2024 election.

They’re labeling half the country as domestic terrorists

Defund them and shut them down"




@Newsweek @FBI @RealStevefriend 04OCT23 8

FBI Creates 'MAGA' Extremist Category, Targets Trump Supporters Ahead Of 2024 Election



@Newsweek @FBI @RealStevefriend 04OCT23 9

"FBI targets MAGA but can't quite say so. State of domestic terrorism, and the government's reaction, today @Newsweek




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