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Unapologetic Follower of Yeshua. Holistic Doctor. Fully Awake. ✝️🇺🇸🐸 RP’s and follows are not endorsements.

Oct 7, 2023, 6 tweets

Why was/is Israel giving weapons to Nazis in Ukraine ?


F*** Nazis
Why do they have Israeli weapons ?? m.jpost.com/international/…

Israel funds AZOV and AZOV trained Christchurch shooter

Weird, right?


“Honored guest”

Nazis and Israel

Is this weird to ANYONE ELSE??


In order to downplay the present-day cult of Bandera and support for Nazism in Ukraine, the ADL finds it necessary to rewrite some history

Not my words.
Straight out of the ADL’s mouth.

THIS IS WEIRD , right ????? adl.org/resources/blog…

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