🤜❤️‍🔥🤛Challenger 🩺mission impossible❔️ Profile picture
🔊 )) ask for clean air in medical care!🩺 @SourceControl21@medibubble.org @SourceContro21@zeroes.ca 🦋 @ https://t.co/5BASaaSaEE

Oct 10, 2023, 10 tweets

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer and why only one of them grasps airborne transmission prevention standards?

h/t @scott_squires ❤️‍🔥

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires 🫵
you had certainly good ventilation and tested negative before attending this meeting

So please communicate these prevention protocols broadly

too many getting infected with SarsCov2 and transmit this multiorgan tissues disease to their loved ones & to patients


@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires ⚕️ medical practice
starts by
communication & prevention

especially #healthcare workers & patients need better protections against nosocomial infections

breathing is generating aerosols

source of the screenshot above

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires I see cancer-, prenatal-, pediatricians centers all w/o masks

it is dystopic to go as patient into health care institutions with KN99 and health care workers arent masked at all

why this topic isn't taken serious?


@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires 😳

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires prevention concepts are as important as treatments

both is a real life challenge

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires reach out message

prevent airborne crosscontaminations

wear adequate airborne transmission protections in health care buildings

treat patients consequently

source of picture


@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires 🔝1/2
source above
prevent airborne crosscontaminations
#CovidIsntOver #COVIDisAirborne

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires 🔝2/2
source above

prevent silent
airborne crosscontaminations

@AnnaSchuh3 @HallekMichael @iwCLL @OxfordCancer @scott_squires @threadreaderapp unroll ...

these answers got simultan 🤔 (6+)? different pornbot likes

that’s record 🤪

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