Did you know that the UK asylum system is run for profit?
We're revealing our Most Wanted, the companies profiting from refugees' misery.
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Refugee Action's Most Wanted are:
Clearsprings, Mears, Serco and Corporate Travel Management (CTM).
These companies are paid billions in public money to run the cruel system that the government has devised.
Clearsprings boosted its profits from £4,419,841 to £28,012,487 during the year ending 31 January 2022.
Clearsprings runs Napier, an ex-military barracks being used to house refugees in conditions described as “squalid” by lawyers of the residents.
Financial statements list adjusted profits before tax at £35.2 million for year ending December 2022, an increase of 37% over that achieved in 2021.
See for yourself the conditions in some of this accommodation.
Serco's 2023 half year results state that revenue increased by 13%, or £294m, to £2,472m (2022: £2,178m).
In 2023 the Home Office confirmed that Serco will run the proposed camp at RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire.
Corporate Travel Management (CTM) was contracted to run the Bibby Stockholm barge as part of its award of the Bridging Accommodation & Travel Services contract by the UK Home Office, valued at approximately £1.6bn.
The asylum system should be about making people safe, not making rich people richer.
But the asylum industrial complex, that has arisen under this government's cruel approach, is transforming billions in public money into private profit.
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