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Justice for Grenfell. Digital campaigns. I illustrate sometimes. Views my own.

Oct 14, 2023, 10 tweets

🧵 Israel has committed at least 10 war crimes in just 6 days of bombarding Gaza. Here is a list of them.

Article 8 2.b.i and ii of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.v of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.xx of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.xxiv of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.c.i and ii of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.xxv of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.ix of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

Article 8 2.b.viii of the Rome Statute, violated by Israel.

War crimes and international law hold no meaning when it comes to Israel. They are allowed to act with total impunity. We're seeing politicians and world leaders even lauding these war crimes.

We will never let them distance themselves from this.

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