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a mind forever voyaging

Oct 17, 2023, 11 tweets


"We are investigating whether classified documents President Biden was caught mishandling"

"@RepJamesComer is calling on Special Counsel Robert Hur to provide more information."




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Press Release

Comer Calls on Special Counsel Hur to Provide Information About President Biden’s Mishandling of Classified Documents…


Chairman James Comer's letter to Special Counsel Robert Hur

[pdf format]



Robert K. Hur

Department of Justice



James Comer: Joe Biden Potentially Kept Sensitive Docs About Family Business Involvement with Foreign Countries



"Biden may have stashed classified documents for specific countries involving his family’s influence business schemes.

@POTUS’s retention of certain classified docs begs the question as to why he kept these particular materials."




"Comer demands answers on whether Biden classified records mention countries related to family business deals"




"Special Counsel Robert Hur interviewed President Biden last week on his alleged mishandling of classified documents"

Comer demands answers on whether Biden classified records mention countries related to family business deals


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