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Oct 17, 2023, 35 tweets

My thread on the House Speaker vote starring Jim Jordan begins here 👇

As we wait for the House to get going, let me say that if you appreciate this thread or others I put together covering big political events, please support my work by signing up for my newsletter. Paid subscribers make these video threads possible. Thx! publicnotice.co/subscribe

Stefanik kicks things off by nominating Jim Jordan. She claims Jordan will be "America's speaker"

Yikes -- Stefanik is jeered when she mentions Jordan's background "on the wrestling mat"

"We are here because the House has been thrown into chaos ... a vote today to make the architect of a nationwide abortion ban, a vocal election denier, and an insurrection inciter [as Speaker] would be a terrible message " -- Aguilar nominates Hakeem Jeffries

Aguilar drops the oppo file on Jim Jordan, but doesn't mention Jordan's alleged involvement in a sexual abuse coverup

Aguilar on Jordan: "If the goal is to continue taking marching orders from a twice impeached former president with more than 90 impending felony charges, then there is a candidate for you"

Bacon votes for McCarthy -- the first Republican not to vote for Jordan

Buck doesn't vote

Chavez-DeRemer becomes the second Republican to vote for McCarthy

Connolly is jeered after he said something about Jordan being a "noted insurrectionist"

wheels are off. Zeldin and Scalise get votes from Republicans.

a Republican votes for someone named Garcia -- meaning Jordan already doesn't have the votes this round

Lee Zeldin has gotten multiple votes from Republicans lmao

Scalise gets another vote -- and the reaction is kinda like somebody ripping a loud, stinky fart in church

big applaud for Jeffries after he votes for himself

Jordan get applauded by Republicans for voting for himself

the murmuring whenever a Republican votes for someone other than Jordan gets me every time

Lee Zeldin! Who knew Republicans loved him so much?

McCarthy votes for Jordan and gets some applause for it

Adding predicting things and counting votes to the list of activities McCarthy is not good at


Pelosi gets a hand when she votes for Jeffries

i thought i was being called on for a second

Scalise votes for Jordan and gets a hand for it

Fox News producers realizing this is an embarrassment for Republicans

Maxine Waters gets jeered when she starts to cut a promo on "insurrectionist" Jim Jordan

Buck votes for Tom Emmer

Tom Cole also gets a vote

Jordan obviously didn't have the votes. While we await a new round of voting, let me plug my newsletter. If you appreciate this thread, please support my work by signing up. Paid subscribers make my video coverage possible. Thx! publicnotice.co/subscribe

McHenry announces the official vote tally and confirms that a speaker has not been elected

... and, scene

Kevin McCarthy claims Democrats "created this mess," prompting even a Fox News reporter to push back

DANA BASH: Do you really want Tom Emmer to be speaker?

KEN BUCK: No, I don't. I don't like Tom Emmer.

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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