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Teaching you how to go from $0 to $5,000 a month using AI with

Oct 19, 2023, 11 tweets

The death of all ChatGPT chatbots are near.

Google just publicly launched its new AI chatbot, NotebookLM, and it's a game changer.

Here's everything you need to know about it:

NotebookLM is FREE to use with limits. You can:

- Summarize facts
- Explain complex ideas
- Brainstorm
- & much more

It works with Google Docs, pdfs, and text too

1. Open NotebookLM

To get access:

- Go to:

You should be getting an email once you are able to try it.

2. Upload your documents

To upload your documents, click on "+ New Source".

A window will open where you can select the Docs from your Google Drive, local files, or text.

3. Summarize your documents.

The tool will automatically generate a summary of the documents you upload.

4. Ask questions

You can ask questions about the documents you’ve uploaded

And follow up with more questions.

5. Generate ideas

NotebookLM is not only for Q&A; it can also assist you in generating new ideas.

6. Take Notes

Furthermore, it offers a convenient feature to add your answers directly to your notes.

You have the ability to edit these notes by adding or removing information as needed.

The end is near for these ChatGPT wrappers.

Visit the link to experience this.

Thanks for reading.

By the way, I also run an agency that specializes in AI+Automation.

If you're a business owner looking to:

• Automate your business
• Increase leads and growth
• Incorporate AI into your everyday workflow

Book a call today at

That's a wrap ✨

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