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A news outlet that does investigations of Canadian imperialism. Editor-in-Chief: @Aidan_Jonah Check link in our bio to financially support us!

Oct 20, 2023, 14 tweets

TCF EIC @Aidan_Jonah is here covering the "Toronto: Stop Israeli War Crimes" rally in front of @cafreeland's office.

Protesters are chanting "Free, Free Palestine" in front of Freeland's office.

Some signs and flyers held by protesters, including one highlighting Freeland's sympathy for fascists.

Protesters have blocked the Spadina and Bloor intersection, towards Freeland's office.

"Chyrstia Freeland you will see, Palestine will be free"

.@sasa_ghada speaks at the Palestine liberation rally condemning Chrystia Freeland the Liberal government for supporting the Israeli occupation. Sasa hammers the media for not centering Palestinian voices.

@sasa_ghada 150+ protesters right beside MP Chrystia Freeland's office, to condemn the Liberal government's support for Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Palestine liberation protesters condemning Chrystia Freeland and the Liberal government for supporting the Israeli occupation, have taken the whole Spadina and Bloor intersection.

An angry counter-protester calls the Palestine liberation protesters antisemites, without any evidence. They are escorted away by police.

The Canada Files asked police officers if the Palestine liberation protest was violent in any way. Some wouldn't comment, one said the protest was peaceful.

TCF spoke to a person angry that the Palestine liberation protesters took an intersection that's beside a Jewish community center.

They claimed there was a "message" sent by the protesters to the Jewish community & a "threat" they posed. We asked, what "message" & "threat"?

TCF EIC @Aidan_Jonah asked a counter-protester who had been holding an Israel flag & was just been interviewed by CTV, if he supported the bombardment of Gaza. They said yes.

When asked to explain why, they asked which outlet was asking, and wouldn't speak further.

@Aidan_Jonah At the end of the protest, a person waving the Israel flag was challenged by Palestine liberation protesters.

@Aidan_Jonah TCF EIC @Aidan_Jonah spoke with @sasa_ghada about the Palestine liberation protest in front of Freeland's office, the hostile Ryan Jespersen interview, and attacks on her and @CJPME after that interview.

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