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Oct 20, 2023, 7 tweets

performed a Doppler Effect analysis from two videos from the missile attack on the Al-Ahli hospital. The results cast doubt on the IDF’s claim that the missile that hit the hospital approached from the south-west. #AlAhli #IDF 1/7 Earshot.ngo

The Doppler Effect is a change in the observed frequency emitted by a sound source that is moving relative to an observer. In the first video, taken 150m south-east of the hospital, we hear a pronounced frequency increasing in pitch and then decreasing until impact. 2/7

The increasing pitch suggests the missile is accelerating towards the camera. The decreasing pitch suggests that the missile is now moving away from the camera while still accelerating, upon the missile’s impact. #AlAhli #IDF 3/7

The IDF claimed the missile was fired by the Islamic Jihad from a south-western location. If this was the case, we would expect the pitch observed by this camera to increase continuously until the missile’s impact. #AlAhli #IDF 4/7

However, the Doppler Effect that we hear indicates that the missile was closer to the camera before hitting the hospital. This would mean that the missile approached the hospital from north-east, east or south-east. #AlAhli #IDF 5/7

A second video captures the moment of the strike from around 1,500 meters north-west of the hospital. In this video, the missile can be heard moving with a less pronounced Doppler Effect, where the pitch is increasing up to the moment of the explosion. #AlAhli #IDF 6/7

This increasing pitch suggests the missile is continuously accelerating towards the camera until impact. The camera’s north-western location suggests an eastern missile trajectory, further decreasing the probability that the missile approached the hospital from south-west. 7/7

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