@BrennpunktUA 🇩🇪🇺🇦 Profile picture
tweeting in 🇩🇪🇺🇸 — mostly about 🇷🇺 war in 🇺🇦 — live updates & Ad Hoc News. Fast info sometimes means not💯accurate — Retweet doesn’t mean endorsement 🫡

Oct 21, 2023, 14 tweets

I owe you an Explanation. In the last hours, all of you have been part of an experiment that has taken on a life of its own. After Greta made her new Tweet, I planed to delete the post. I did not, cause I recognized, what I call the „Jackson Hinkle“ cash cow Trigger model.


Before I go into the details,

1. I do NOT have X Premium (Twitter Blue) what means I do not monetize or get a dime from X for what happened here.

2. I ran parallel a Thread for my German followers to give updates about what was actually going on.


We all have heard about the new Elon Musk „content creator“ business model, but content doesn’t makes you cash, trigger a bubble with just one X Tweet does. With this single Post I doubled ‼️my daily rate of impressions & engagements. Compare with 2. highest Post in ranking.


How X Premium (Twitter Blue) Accounts make tons of 💵cash with exactly this I will explain you:

— Profile visits bring them Ad cash
— comments bring them Ad cash
— Quoted Tweets bring them Ad cash

That’s exactly how this trap works. Compare with my daily statistic average

A lot of you were happy that I was highly „ratioed“, smashed by you all, but my post stats went through the roof. If I would monetize my tweets, you would have filled my pockets with cash as a so called „X content creator“‼️
What was my intention of this experiment? There are


lot of real good content creators here on X, who inform people, that give valuable content. In fact they invest a lot of time & heart for their followers, but these quality content creators don’t earn💵. But if you trigger a bubble (target group) with🔥😈provoking posts, you


use their emotions. The strongest emotion that makes you to react (comment) are feelings „one of yours“ is treated unfairly, it makes you angry, outrageous, disgusted. You want to defend ⚔️. If you look again, I didn’t even made a „statement“ about Greta, I asked a question


what is one of the oldest marketing & sales tricks & it worked. To fire your reactions up, I added the Azov Posts, what triggered tons of more people. Whenever you yelled at me, offended me, laughed at me, you were shooting my statistic through the roof. I played you, like so


many other accounts on X do that monetize exactly with this business model. I proof you that one single trigger post brings more cash than the daily work of real content creators. Don’t get fooled by this game‼️Whatever your political views are, whoever you think is „friend“


or „enemy“, stay human & DON‘T make „the players“ rich, that don‘t give a f*ck about you & your opinion & manipulate with: „Divide & conquer“ for cash 🤑. Don’t react on such posts. Make screenshots & show your emotions by an own post. Help „real X content creators“ to grow

#Conclusion: If you like me or not, if you share my opinions or not, if you love or hate me for this, doesn’t matter. I share this, that we all learn from this case. My follower btw. were informed & didn’t defend me, but were observing what was going on. I‘m not a bad guy, I

don’t hate you or Greta. I saw the chance to show & proof „live“ to a big crowd what probably most of you weren’t aware of before. A experiment that has taken a life of its own. It ran that successfully that I‘m shocked. This 🧵 btw. is „content creator“ work, without a dime


#Addendum: We have collected more data especially of quoted Posts in the background that needs time to analysis. I will transparent show you the detailed results when finished. You‘ll are welcome to comment & share the 🧵if you like. Make X better by knowing the bad games.


@threadreaderapp please unroll

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