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Oct 22, 2023, 9 tweets

Whose mom worked with Phyllis Schlafly?
🔹️Ginni's mom, Marjorie Lamp
🔹️Michael Flynn’s mom
🔹️Christina Pushaw?
In 1972, Schlafly founded the Eagle Forum, a conservative political interest group, and remained its chairwoman and CEO until her death in 2016.

Marjorie Lamp (mom of Ginni Thomas) of Nebraska STOP ERA running for state leg. in 1972

1967: Phyllis Schlafly launched the Eagle Trust Fund for donations.
1972: Eagle Forum founded
"Stop ERA"
Started Eagle Forum Newsletter
1975: Stop ERA was renamed the Eagle Forum

Schlafly Eagle, Ed Martin
Ed Martin (Missouri politician)

"Ed Martin was an organizer of the Stop the Steal movement and was involved in the planning and financing the Stop the Steal protest on January 6th..."

"CNP member Ed Martin is President of America’s Future (where Mike Flynn is chairman), and President of the Schlafly Eagles, which gave Flynn a “Jack Singlaub Service to America” award, *after* he had pleaded guilty..."

Martin, Flynn, Kash. Singlaub was a "founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a highly decorated officer in the former Office of Strategic Services (OSS)."

Flynn pardon and Ed Martin. 🔥

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