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Oct 23, 2023, 8 tweets

I’m thrilled to announce that Sushi Sheila’s NYC restaurant Sushi Counter is now averaging 4.5 stars on Google reviews thanks to you absolute based legends. For those of you who have a job or a life, yesterday pathetic woke failed chef and huge loser @ericriveracooks bullied her into deleting ALL her TikTok posts, and caused a massive woke mob to give Sushi Counter tons of 1 star reviews

As an American, this type of behavior absolutely DISGUSTS me. Sushi Sheila is an entrepreneur, she is the absolute embodiment of the American dream. Eric is a parasite that couldn’t stand to see this girl smile

Many keyboard warriors called Sushi Sheila a “colonizer” and accused her of “cultural appropriation”. I’d like to ask them - do you ever eat or cook food that doesn’t perfectly align with your race? If not, shut the F*CK up

The best part of this story is that Eric Rivera is a hypocrite himself. He’s an immigrant from Puerto Rico who was planning to open a Puerto Rico Japanese fusion restaurant in guess where? NORTH CAROLINA

Eric Rivera also co-founded @joinbeet with his wife, which promises to build community for other chefs and restaurant owners. I wonder why they only raised $0 of their $79k goal?

@joinbeet If you live and NYC and would like to support Sushi Sheila, here’s a link to her shop. Her sushi looks fantastic!


@joinbeet This is America and we have the freedom to make choices though! So if you’re on the side of Eric Rivera, here’s a form to inquire for a private dinner party with him. I’m sure he’d love your business! ericriveracooks.com/private-party-…

@joinbeet I love it here

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