🤜❤️‍🔥🤛Challenger 🩺mission impossible❔️ Profile picture
🔊 )) ask for clean air in medical care!🩺 @SourceControl21@medibubble.org @SourceContro21@zeroes.ca 🦋 @ https://t.co/5BASaaSaEE

Oct 23, 2023, 21 tweets

@Partikel007 yes they posted this awful
thread which
was base for FAZ, dkfz & Helmholtz

Do you hear all these useful idiots in media selling hOpium of population immunity?

licence to let rip


@Partikel007 print this in real world and ask for airborne nosocomial crosscontaminations preventions
In medical practice & hospitals

feel free to write a better one
no copy right infraction

















@Partikel007 source 🔝
Dany Altmann et al



@Partikel007 @threadreaderapp unroll

this is an open access
Dany Altmann publication

really worth to be read

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