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Oct 24, 2023, 8 tweets

ChatGPT-4/V is being challenged by LLaVA v1.5/V.

It's open-source and totally free.

A comparison of the LLaVA v1.5/V with ChatGPT-4/V:

Use-case 1:

My all-time favorite TV show is "Prison Break".

While I believe nothing can truly match it, I'm open to recommendations for similar shows.

Here is the result:

Use-case 2:

I noted this weekly plan in my diary and requested both models to provide me with a clear and actionable strategy.

Here is the result:

Use-case 3:

I took an X-ray pic and asked both models for their interpretation.

Here is the result:

Use-case 4:

I really love this one.

I provided a website layout wireframe to both models and requested to write code in HTML and CSS.

Here is the result:

Use-case 5:

This one is actually suggested by one of my guys in the office. Quite amazing!

Here is the result:

That concludes the comparison.

Which do you believe produces superior results?

While LLaVA impressively challenges GPT/v, it requires several improvements.

For instance, use-case 4 doesn't provide satisfactory results.

That's a wrap!

I hope you like this breakdown.

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