Fergus Green Profile picture
Lecturer in Political Theory & Public Policy, University College London | Researching climate ethics, politics & governance | Tweeting in personal capacity.

Oct 26, 2023, 8 tweets

We are excited to launch Redline - Research Database for Litigation against New fossil fuel Extraction. Its aim is to arm litigators with the latest research relevant to factual claims underpinning fossil fuel litigation: @ucl @st_pye redlinedatabase.org

@ucl @st_pye @mlaz_sei @SEI_Erickson @climateploy @RDNS_TAI @ClimateSSN @beyondoilgas @PriceofOil @fossiltreaty @Greenpeace @Tzeporah The database contains over 50 legally-relevant summaries of scholarly journal articles and reports, with links to open access versions of the article/report. These can be found via the search function. Here's an example:

@ucl @st_pye @mlaz_sei @SEI_Erickson @climateploy @RDNS_TAI @ClimateSSN @beyondoilgas @PriceofOil @fossiltreaty @Greenpeace @Tzeporah @UCL_Energy These paper-summaries are grouped into browsable "categories" representing distinct issues that (do our could) arise in fossil fuel litigation. You can also find our article summaries by browsing these categories:

@ucl @st_pye @mlaz_sei @SEI_Erickson @climateploy @RDNS_TAI @ClimateSSN @beyondoilgas @PriceofOil @fossiltreaty @Greenpeace @Tzeporah @UCL_Energy @DrSimEvans @pilitaclark @NaomiOreskes @catabreu_ @KevinClimate @CarolineLucas @ThierryAaron @juliadehm Each category has its own landing page, providing an overview of the issue and the articles in our database relevant to that issue, with references to key legal cases where applicable. Here's an example:

@ucl @st_pye @mlaz_sei @SEI_Erickson @climateploy @RDNS_TAI @ClimateSSN @beyondoilgas @PriceofOil @fossiltreaty @Greenpeace @Tzeporah @UCL_Energy @DrSimEvans @pilitaclark @NaomiOreskes @catabreu_ @KevinClimate @CarolineLucas @ThierryAaron @juliadehm @BenFranta @CampanaleMark @kjellkuehne @sianebradley @FuelOnTheFire @PeterJNewell_ @AngelaVCarter @BlondeelMathieu Redline adds a new tool to a rapidly-expanding, global ecosystem of online platforms to support climate-related litigation and legal analysis. To aid users in navigating this ecosystem, we describe and link to these other resources (do let us know if we're missing anything!)

We're keen to hear feedback from users - what's missing? What could be improved? What additional categories or papers should we include? Any errors you noticed? Also, what additional functionality would like to see in a future version? Contact us via redlinedatabase.org/pages/contact-…

The project, which I co-led with @st_pye, could not have happened without our amazing database team: @darrenmoore and Pooja Upadhyay. The project was generously funded by @ucl @GrandChallenges, and supported by @uclspp and @UCL_Energyredlinedatabase.org/pages/about-us

We're also grateful to our project partners, @Earthjustice, @friends_earth, Climate Litigation Network (a project of @urgenda; @lucysmaxwell), and Uplift (@tessakhan) for their generous input and support of the project, and to @harrovanasselt for reviewing our category pages.

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