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a mind forever voyaging

Nov 2, 2023, 6 tweets


"I had this interview with @jewinthecity 4 months ago about how I changed in 2010 from someone who was raised to hate Jews to someone who learned a lot about Judaism and Hebrew"




"This Muslim Man is Changing the Way Arabs View Jewish People and Israel"




“It’s a very noble message…we have to change people from hate to love and acceptance,” he says. “It’s worth every trouble.”

This Muslim Man is Changing the Way Arabs View Jewish People and Israel



This Muslim Man is Changing the Way Arabs View Jewish People and Israel - Loay Alshareef JITC Speaks




"Why are you defending Israel? Don't be an Israeli more than Israelis"




"@lalshareef in such a dark world, your moral courage and clarity means so much"



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