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Investigative Reporter @theblaze | Former Misdemeanor Terrorist | Personal Proteins: Beef/Beaver | …

Nov 3, 2023, 22 tweets

🚨THREAD🚨: Regarding @theblaze 's recent story about @CapitolPolice Special Agent David Lazarus's Oath Keeper trial testimony, we are pleased to finally be able to release a statement from @RepLoudermilk, followed by never-before-seen screenshots from Capitol CCTV video...⬇️

“An allegation of a Capitol Police officer lying under oath is very serious and must be fully investigated. For this reason, I am releasing these still frames from USCP CCTV video footage, with timestamps, showing the movements of Officer Lazarus on January 6, 2021.” ⬇️

That statement is directly from Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight. We are grateful to the Congressman for helping us get this critical information out to the American people. ⬇️

In @theblaze's Oct. 4th story about Special Agent Lazarus, we were able to show, in great detail, what he testified to witnessing between @CapitolPolice Officer Harry Dunn (@libradunn) and four Oath Keepers on #Jan6, he simply could not have seen... ⬇️…

...because Lazarus was in another Senate office building across the street from Constitution Ave. at the time the encounter between Dunn and the Oath Keepers began. We were able to track Lazarus while he was escorting Senators and staff on Capitol CCTV cameras. ⬇️

Lazarus can be seen moving away from the Capitol Building through a lower tunnel at 2:37:59 p.m. ⬇️

Lazarus continues moving toward the Senate office buildings at 2:41:49 p.m. ⬇️

During Lazarus's Oct. 31, 2022 trial testimony, he stated that he began his return to the Capitol Building after hearing "shots" fired over USCP radio. That occurred at 2:43 p.m. Here, Lazarus can be seen moving back toward the Capitol at 2:45:04 p.m. ⬇️

Dunn's encounter with the Oath Keepers began at 2:44 p.m. and lasted roughly between 5 and 6 minutes. Here, Lazarus finally emerges from the tunnel back to the Senate side of the Capitol Building at 2:48:08 p.m. Dunn falsely testified that Lazarus was already at the location...⬇️

...where he encountered the Oath Keepers - BEFORE he arrived. But, Lazarus can be seen at the top of the elevator leading up from the tunnel at 2:48:23 p.m. - on the Senate side of the Capitol - over 4 minutes after Dunn encountered the Oath Keepers on the House side. ⬇️

Lazarus continues to move through a lower level of the Capitol on the Senate side of the building at 2:49:25 p.m. Dunn's encounter with the Oath Keepers is almost over, but Lazarus testified he saw Dunn in an "antagonistic" conversation with the OKs "3 or 4" times.⬇️

Lazarus can still be seen on the Senate side of the Building at 2:50:59 p.m. At or about this time, Dunn was being relieved at the top of the Small Rotunda stairway by two USCP CDU officers, and the Oath Keepers began moving back into the Rotunda. ⬇️

At 2:52:07, Lazarus can be seen continuing his progression toward the House side of the Capitol. The four Oath Keepers are no longer standing a line between Dunn and contentious protestors as they had moved into the Rotunda and began heading toward the East doors.⬇️

At 2:54:35 p.m., Lazarus continues moving toward the House side of the Capitol. He is still one level down from where Dunn and the Oath Keepers' encounter had already concluded minutes earlier.⬇️

At 2:56:17 p.m., Lazarus is still one floor below and has still not arrived at the staircase where he claimed to have seen Dunn's encounter with the four Oath Keepers. By this time, those OKs have already left the Rotunda and are about to exit the East doors. ⬇️

At 2:56:46 p.m., Lazarus can be seen finally reaching the bottom of the staircase - at the top of which he claimed to have witnessed Dunn's "very antagonistic" interaction with four Oath Keepers "3 or 4" times while rescuing "11 or 12" of Pelosi's staff from their offices. ⬇️

Dunn and Lazarus contradicted each other in their respective Oct. 31, 2022 trial testimonies. Dunn first claimed to have seen Lazarus already at the top of that staircase when he arrived at 2:44 p.m., being "hassled" by protestors. ⬇️

By contrast, Lazarus testified that he saw Dunn already standing at the top of the staircase landing when he came up from behind him on those stairs. Both men lied in their conflicting stories because Lazarus was in a Senate office building at that moment in time. ⬇️

It is a physical impossibility for either Dunn or Lazarus to have seen what they claimed in their testimonies in the Oath Keepers trial, and this is borne out by what myself and other @theblaze analysts saw on Capitol CCTV videos from access given to us by @RepLoudermilk. ⬇️

We wish to thank @RepLoudermilk, Chairman of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, for the access to those CCTV consoles at the Capitol and for permission to release these screenshots from those videos.⬇️

Please stay tuned, as @theblaze will soon be reporting on even more of this developing story. Once again, this is the statement given to us by Rep. Loudermilk... ⬇️

“An allegation of a Capitol Police officer lying under oath is very serious and must be fully investigated. For this reason, I am releasing these still frames from USCP CCTV video footage, with timestamps, showing the movements of Officer Lazarus on January 6, 2021."

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