Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 6, 2023, 5 tweets


"It's almost four weeks since the horrific terrorist attack on #Israel."

"Find thoughts from Vice-Chancellor Robert #Habeck in the video, putting the events in context."




"Wow. Very strong statement against antisemitism, against those who would deny the atrocities Hamas committed, and in support of Israel."




"German vice-chancellor, Robert Habeck @BMWK, showing the world what leadership looks like. Bravo"



@BMWK /3

"On the eve of the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, your message is important and necessary. But we need more than words. We need actions to rid the world of hate and antisemitism."



@BMWK /4

"This is how every country and person should be looking at this.

From what I have seen, our nations have been swept backwards on a tide of hatred against Jewish people. It has to stop."



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