Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Nov 6, 2023, 6 tweets


"It is hard to believe this is being allowed in the United States… she has been waiting for this moment her entire life."








"Want to know why Trump’s polls keep climbing despite all these indictments?

Because American voters aren’t stupid

They know people like Letitia James are nothing but TDS Marxists masquerading as neutral prosecutors"




"I think the sooner you and your family take the fight to her instead of letting her take the fight to you the better off you would be
Don’t take her lightly @EricTrump"



@EricTrump /4

"The abuse of power up against President Trump in New York is without precedent. The whole process mocks the rule of law and civil rights."



@EricTrump /5

"Everyone has to play by the same set of rules.

Even Donald Trump."



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