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Nov 6, 2023, 19 tweets

👇 Here are the 15 semifinalists of #EestiLaul2024, along with comments by host Grete Kuld and jury member Ott Lepland


0⃣1⃣ Ollie "My Friend"
author: Oliver Mazurtšak

Grete: Rock at it's peak
Ott: Ollie hasn't lowered his target, maybe even risen it. Glad to see him back with another really strong song

0⃣2⃣ Sofia Rubina "Be Good"
authors: Jason Hunter, Robert Stanley Montes, Renae Rain

Grete: Jason's her husband and Robert has been to EL with Egert Milder
Ott: Sofia's a super vocalist. The song's feels funky, American, soul-ish

0⃣3⃣ Ewert and The Two Dragons "Hold Me Now"
authors: Ewert Sundja, Erki Pärnoja, Ivo Etti, Kristjan Kallas

Grete: After 15 years of playing they're finally at Eesti Laul
Ott: Dragons fans won't be disappointed, at first I felt U2 - big song, epic song, stadion song

0⃣4⃣ Multikas, Ewert Sundja "Oblivion"
auhtors: Joosep Järvesaar, Hugo Martin Maasikas, Ewert Sundja

Grete: Ewert has to perform twice, Multikas is 2 guys we know from Cartoon
Ott: While previous song is band based, this is more electronic, might even say dnb, interesting song

0⃣5⃣ Anet Vaikmaa "Serotoniin"
author: Sven Lõhmus

Grete: First time at Eesti Laul, she took part of TV3's Uus Laul, soloist of Mahavok. Song is very Sven Lõhmus
Ott: I initially didn't recognise Sven's touch, but now that I saw it was his, you recognise it. Good radio song

0⃣6⃣ 5miinust x Puuluup "(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi" ("we don't (really) know about (those) narcotics")
authors: Põhja Korea, kohver, Lancelot, Päevakoer, Marko Veisson, Ramo Teder, Kim Wennerström

Grete: A song with a great name, group consists of 5Miinust's remaining 4 members and 2 from Puuluup
Ott: It's definitely an unique song, just from the combination of 2 groups. They've made an interesting song, it might be the earworm of this selection (like parmupillihullus)

0⃣7⃣ Yonna "I Don't Know About You"
authors: Johanna Eendra, Jakob Kaarma, Semjon Greef

Grete: Took part of 2019 Eesti Laul, this time with a song in English
Ott: Very unique song, it starts a cappella, I was reminded of Billie Eilish
Grete: Taylor Swift for me

0⃣8⃣ Silver Jusilo "Lately"
authors: Silver Jusilo, Markus Palo

Grete: Previously in 2022 quarterfinals, I remember well his previous song's M/V
Ott: Silver has a very interesting combination of pop and more artful music, the chorus uses very interesting sound

0⃣9⃣ Inga "No Dog On a Leash"
authors: Inga Tislar, Markus Palo

Grete: Inga's also listed as an author, good to see artists are satisfied with their song, she said it's truly hers
Ott: As I'm very interested in vocals, she's definitely one of the best female vocalists in estonia

1⃣0⃣ Peter Põder "Korra veel"
author: Peter Põder

Grete: Hopefully he remembers being in Eesti Laul 2022 QFs, but he's very active in music world
Ott: He plays guitar in Koit Toome's band, but the song was memorable from the first note

1⃣1⃣ Antsud "Vetevaim"
authos: Aile Alveus, Antsud

Grete: They've been active for 10 years and they say they're an Ethnographic-heat-it-up band
Ott: Folk is very memorable and unique

1⃣2⃣ Cecilia "FOMO"
authors: Cecilia-Martina Mägi, Sander Sadam, Liis Hainla

Grete: 23 y/o artist, took part of 2018 superstar show and has kept doing music
Ott: I know her from WAF music school, she has tried to get to EL before, she know show to sing and the song grabs you

1⃣3⃣ Traffic "Wunderbar"
authors: Stig Rästa, Silver Laas

Grete: Even though the title is in German, the song is in Estonian
Ott: Traffic has had 2 big hits in Eesti Laul (Für Elise, Üks kord veel), I believe this will be the third big hit

1⃣4⃣ Ingmar "Dreaming"
author: Ingmar Erik Kiviloo

Grete: Known from superstar show, at 19 y/o he's multitalent as he basically can play every instrument and sing
Ott: I would say very old-school style song, I felt a smokey lounge while a gentleman plays piano
G: Like a musical

1⃣5⃣ Laura "Here's Where I Draw the Line"
authors: Laura Põldvere, Johannes Lõhmus

Grete: True veteran, 7th time when including Eurolaul, usually with Sven Lõhmus but this time Johannes - who isn't related to Sven
Ott: Seems like they collabed well as she's also listed as author

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