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Brigadier, NAFO Commandos 2nd Special Ops Group ᡕᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊᠆ࠣ࠘᠊᠆ࠣ࠘᠆ࠣ࠘᠊߯' 🚫 Commies, Fascists, MAGA 🚫 🐕 Russophobic Parody Media 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇪🇺

Nov 6, 2023, 15 tweets

Welcome to NAFO Commandos! Here's everything you need to know before dropping in behind enemy lines on Truth Social. #NAFOCommandos

First, join NAFO Commandos:
1) Join Truth Social
2) Join the NAFO group on Truth Social
3) Tell us here you joined & tell us your Commando name/call sign on Truth Social

Once you're in the NAFO Truth Social group, Follow & Subscribe to everyone in the group (over 150 & growing). This will instantly fill your feed with Commando fellas!

In your Truth Social feed, like the 'Truths' you see (Truth Social calls Tweets 'Truths') posted by other Commandos. 'ReTruth' as many as you can. This is how we amplify NAFO's messages & hashtags on Truth Social.

When you 'Truth' & 'ReTruth', add NAFO #hashtags! This is the top Mission priority! Hashtagging is easier if you copy NAFO hashtags to a notepad on your computer/device so you can easily add them to Truths & ReTruths.

Langley's Top Priority NAFO hashtags:


More hashtags are added as the mission continues. You can add your own, too! However, repeat the Top Priority hashtags as often as possible to amplify effectiveness.

MISSION GOAL: Disrupting Truth Social
It's Trump's personal social network, created after he was kicked off Twitter. He uses it to propagandize & weaken American Democracy / US national security interests, such as funding Ukraine's resistance against Russia's genocidal invasion.

Disrupting Truth Social's algorithm undermines the network. Using hashtags is the easiest way to manipulate Trending Truths. This makes NAFO's anti-MAGA hashtags visible to all Truth Social users, including Cheeto Mussolini himself!

Disrupting the MAGA echo chamber in this extremely visible & embarrassing way shows that Trump can't even control his own failing social network. SAD!

The NAFO Commandos mission on Truth Social is to pop MAGA's bubble. We can do this by simply Truthing & ReTruthing other Fellas.

Directly engaging MAGA accounts is NOT a mission goal. Winning hearts & minds on Truth Social isn't going to happen...

We can't 'deprogram' MAGAs or change their mind with facts. Truth Social is the social network for your racist uncle who's been banned from the Thanksgiving table. You can't change his mind. He lives in an alternate reality & just wants to fight with you.

HOWEVER, it can be satisfying & entertaining to b0nk MAGAs 😂

NAFO Commandos won't to tell you how to b0nk, you're always free to do it your own way! All we ask is your help with the Mission to undermine Truth Social with hashtags hashtags hashtags! Always be hashtagging!

Destroying Truth Social isn't a mission for every fella, but every fella is welcome on the mission 🫡

Doing your part to rid America & the world of MAGA's malign influence AND having some fun along the way is the best part of being a NAFO Commando!

Thank you, NAFO Commandos. Without you, none of this is possible!

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