Moms Demand Action Profile picture
Join our grassroots movement of Americans demanding reasonable solutions to address our nation’s culture of gun violence. @MomsDemand is a part of @Everytown.

Nov 8, 2023, 23 tweets

VOLUNTEER VICTORIES! #ElectionNight results are still coming in, but our volunteers are winning races up and down the ballot in states across the country!

Follow this thread for all of our amazing volunteer victories! #DemandASeat 🧵

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Rozia Henson has been elected to the Virginia State House, representing District 19! @Henson4Virginia is a passionate advocate for gun safety who is committed to enacting strong gun laws that will save lives. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE! Congratulations to Moms Demand Action volunteer-turned-Concord School Board Representative for Ward B, Liz Boucher! As a safe storage champion, we know Liz will work tirelessly to keep our schools safe! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Voters are sending Karen @Keys_Gamarra to the Virginia State House, representing District 7! As a gun safety advocate, we know that Delegate Keys-Gamarra will prioritize keeping our communities safe. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Moms Demand Action volunteer @shelly_simonds has been re-elected to the Virginia State House, this time representing District 70! We are excited to get back to work with Delegate Simonds on keeping Virginia communities safe! #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Kannan Srinivasan has been elected to the Virginia State House, representing District 26! @Kannan4Delegate is a passionate advocate for gun safety who is committed to enacting strong gun laws that will save lives. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Congratulations to Marty Martinez on his election to the Virginia State House, representing District 29! @MartyForUs has extensive experience fighting for common-sense gun reform at the local level. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE! Kate Cook has been re-elected to serve on the Portsmouth City Council! As a Moms Demand Action volunteer, we know Kate will continue to lead with gun safety top of mind! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! @LauraJaneCohen has been elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, representing District 15! Laura is a passionate advocate for gun safety and supports common-sense measures to help ensure people are safe throughout Virginia. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN NEW JERSEY! Ryan Kennedy has been elected as Mayor of Hopewell Borough Council! As a former councilperson, Ryan is experienced in working to keep communities safe from gun violence at the local level. #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! @AtoosaReaser has been elected to the Virginia State House, representing District 27! A passionate advocate for stronger gun laws as a Moms Demand Action volunteer, Delegate-Elect Reaser is ready to move from shaping gun policy to making it! #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN INDIANA! Moms Demand Action volunteer Alison Brown has been re-elected to the Indianapolis City Council, this time representing District 10! We can’t wait to get back to work with @aliforindy on making our communities safer! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN NEW JERSEY! Congratulations to Moms Demand Action volunteer-turned-Hopewell Borough Council Member, Heidi Wilenius! We know Heidi will lead with gun safety top of mind! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN PENNSYLVANIA! Amy Sarno has been re-elected to the Allegheny Valley School Board! Amy is committed to supporting common-sense policies to ensure our schools operate safely every day. #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN PENNSYLVANIA! Jenna Paulat, a long-time Moms Demand Action volunteer, has been elected to the Avonworth School Board! We know @JennaP3 will work tirelessly to keep our schools safe! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Voters have re-elected Juli Briskman as Algonkian District Supervisor in Loudoun County, VA! @SupBriskman has helped pass meaningful local gun safety measures, and we know she will continue to be a leader on this issue! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Congratulations to Moms Demand Action volunteer April Chandler on her election to the Loudoun County School Board, Algonkian District! We can’t wait to work with @AprilforAlgonkian on keeping children safe in school. #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN MINNESOTA! Congratulations to Moms Demand Action volunteer and safe storage champion Sarah Mikesell on being elected to the Duluth School Board! We have your back as you work to keep our schools safe, @DuluthMomSarah! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN OHIO! Congratulations to David Grimes on his election to the Westerville City Council! A passionate advocate for stronger gun laws as a Moms Demand Action volunteer, David is ready to move from shaping gun policy to making it! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Voters have chosen @JoshuaCole to represent District 65 in the Virginia State House! As a dedicated Moms Demand Action volunteer, we know Delegate Cole will work tirelessly to pass common-sense gun safety legislation. #DemandASeat #VALeg

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN OHIO! Congratulations to Moms Demand Action volunteer-turned-Westerville City School Board member, Louise Valentine! As a passionate gun safety advocate, @LValentineOH knows the importance of keeping our schools safe from gun violence. #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN INDIANA! Kathy Parker has been re-elected to the West Lafayette City Council representing District 5! We know @KCFParker will continue to lead with gun safety top of mind! #DemandASeat

VOLUNTEER VICTORY IN VIRGINIA! Voters have elected Deshundra Jefferson as Chair of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors. A passionate advocate for gun safety, we know @DeshundraTweets will prioritize making our communities safer from gun violence. #DemandASeat

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