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Nov 9, 2023, 45 tweets

My thread covering the third GOP presidential debate of the 2024 cycle begins here 👇 Follow along for highlights and commentary

Let me say at the top that if you appreciate this thread, please support what I do by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy it and paid subscribers make my work possible, including these video threads. Thanks! publicnotice.co/subscribe

"I'm sick of Republican losing" -- DeSantis begins by attacking Trump as a loser, which is something he should've done months ago

Haley also uses her opening statement to attack Trump, albeit more mildly than DeSantis did

"We've become a party of losers" -- Vivek Ramaswamy, who goes on to call for Ronna McDaniel's resignation and for Tucker Carlson, Elon, and Joe Rogan to moderate the debate. He then pivots to a full-frontal attack on Kristen Welker. Wow.

Chris Christie: "Anybody who is gonna be spending the next year and a half of their life focusing on keeping themselves out of jail and courtrooms cannot lead this party or this country, and it needs to be said plainly"

On topic of Israel-Hamas war, Haley says that she urged Netanyahu to "finish them"

meanwhile Sarah Sanders is on stage at the Trump rally endorsing Trump

it's a competition to see who can be the most hawkish and over the top in urging Israel to demolish Hamas

Ramaswamy calls Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis "Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels" to groans

Haley fires back at Ramaswamy

Tim Scott didn't quite stick the landing here

what does "making common cause with Hamas" mean? seems problematically vague

Ramaswamy, attacking Ukraine, calls Zelenskyy "a Nazi ... a comedian in cargo pants." He then expresses indifference (to put it charitably) for Russian annexing parts of Ukraine

Haley to Ramaswamy: "Putin and President Xi are salivating at the thought that someone like that could become president"

Reminder as we get deeper into the GOP debate that if you appreciate this thread, I'd be grateful if you supported my work by signing up for my newsletter. As an independent journalist, subscribers make everything I do possible. Thanks. publicnotice.co/subscribe

Tim Scott is out here talking about fighting three wars at the same time

... the look on DeSantis's face as Ramaswamy attacks him ...

dipping in to Trump's speech in Hialeah during a debate commercial break as he crudely attacks Schiff and Pelosi. So pretty normal stuff.

meanwhile Fox News is scraping the bottom of the barrel for non-debate content

both Christie and DeSantis just pledged to ban TikTok

Wow. Nikki Haley was itching to unload on DeSantis here

"Leave my family out of your voice" -- Haley to Ramaswamy after Ramaswamy brings up her daughter

wow, get a load of environmentalist Ron DeSantis scoring points on Nikki Haley

amazed that we've made it 75 minutes into this debate and there hasn't been a question on abortion or last night's election results yet

DeSantis looks like he has bad heartburn

the second part of this debate has really bogged down as moderators let the candidates filibuster about how they propose to starve your granny

the other candidates are so eager to starve your granny that they make DeSantis seem like the reasonable one on Social Security

What will end first -- the debate, Trump's speech, or my life after I pass from old age?

As we enter the last part of the GOP debate, let me plug my newsletter. Please sign up if you appreciate this thread. I think you'll enjoy it, and paid subscribers make possible my video coverage of big political events. publicnotice.co/subscribe

Trump on Biden: "Now that he indicted me, we're allowed to look at him. But he did real bad things."


DeSantis gets applause after he promises to shoot dead people bringing drugs across the border

I too have driven to Winnipeg. pretty boring drive tbh

DeSantis's abortion policy is doubling down on the same position that has been killing Republicans for more than a year now

Nikki Haley's "women who get abortions should not be executed" shirt raises many questions answered by her shirt

lol good luck buddy

Ramaswamy literally mansplains abortion to Nikki Haley

Chris Christie spitting facts: "The bigger issue is we're not pro-life for the whole life. To be pro-life for the whole life means that the life of a 16-year-old drug addict on the floor of a county lockup is precious and we should get treatment for her."

I wouldn't have been able to put together this thread without @SnapStream, which I've relied on for clipping for 6 years now. If your company or org wants to post real time video like I do, click the link below for more info and to set up a demo. go.snapstream.com/moments/aaron?…

@SnapStream the debate audience was hungry for some transphobia

@SnapStream Ramaswamy ends his closing statement with a conspiracy theory about Joe Biden not really being in charge and that Michelle Obama might step in and run for him

@SnapStream DeSantis closes with an awkward tongue-exposing smile

@SnapStream Let me close this out w/ a final plug for my newsletter. Putting together threads like this takes lots of time & resources, so if you value them I'd be grateful if you signed up. As a bonus, I think you'll really enjoy our coverage of politics/media. Thx! publicnotice.co/subscribe

Here's my wrap of last night's GOP debate publicnotice.co/p/gop-debate-v…

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