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Nov 9, 2023, 14 tweets

BREAKING🚨: Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival.

“The pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian… The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”

This is how so many cars at the music festival ended up destroyed. Apache helicopters!
FYI : The IDF collected all the destroyed cars and arranged them one month after the incident

This is is why we saw images of burned people inside their cars. Obviously a gun does not make this damage, but an Israeli apache helicopter does. Israel showed these images to journalists to justify their genocide in Gaza.

Lt. Col. A., a reserve pilot in the same unit, described a fog of confusion: “I find myself in a dilemma as to what to shoot at, because there are so many of them.”…

More footage from the Israel Apache helicopters shooting at cars:
“The Apache pilots testify that they fired a huge amount of munitions, emptied the ‘belly of the helicopter’ in minutes, flew to re-arm and returned to the air, again and again. But it didn’t help and they understand it,” Mako reported. The Apache helicopters appear to have focused on vehicles streaming back into Gaza from the Nova electronic music festival and nearby kibbutzes, attacked cars  with apparent knowledge that Israeli captives could be inside. They also fired on unarmed people exiting cars or walking on foot through the fields on the periphery of Gaza. One Apache pilot reflected on the tortuous dilemma of whether to shoot at people and cars returning to Gaza. He knew that many of those vehicles may have contained Israeli captives. But he chose to open fire anyway. “I choose targets like that,” the pilot reflected, “where I tell myself that the chance that I am shooting here on hostages as well is low.” However, he admitted that his judgment “was not 100%.”


Drone footage from the scene of the music festival shows the damaged cars before they were rearranged by the IDF.

Likewise Israel has admitted to shelling Israeli civilian homes killing at-least 112 Israelis in the process.


Here is an example of one of the houses in the kibbutz that were shelled by Israeli tanks.

They are trying to community notes me claiming the videos are from Oct 9. But their own articles admit they are from Oct 7. Please make sure false community notes don’t win.…

A great video by @propandco highlights IDF admissions to killing their own people using the @TheGrayzoneNews article by the excellent @MaxBlumenthal :…

Multiple eyewitnesses from the music festival report being fired on by their own Israeli forces, Danielle Rachel and Yasmin Porat. Video from @propandco and @MaxBlumenthal sources here:…

"Commanders in the field made difficult decisions — including shelling houses with all their occupants inside in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages"

Hamas had occupied the kibbutz for days and it was getting embarrassing for Netanyahu.

The above indicates that israel employee the infamous ‘Hannibal directive’, which requires that the army kill Israelis rather than let them be taken hostage.

By contrast Hamas instructions where to kill Israelis 'as a last resort' when threatened. Hamas was more humane to Israelis than the IDF.

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